Lunch Break with Mia

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I'm crouched near some bushes, gagging. Were at a camping site, we being my family and I. We stopped here for some lunch after a four hour car ride. The food had been good, though the ham & cheese sandwich and milkshake I'd eaten would have disappointed Ana, who'd, for a while now, completely given up on me.

I make some more loud gagging noises, and look around. There are other families here too, and the last thing I want is to disturb everyone's meal. I get up, disappointed with the fact that I can't make myself hurl. Out of nowhere, my brother turns up. "Hey Lis, you alright?" He asks. *shoot* I think. *He must have seen me.* "I'm alright, thanks" I reply, when I have a genius idea. "You know where the toilets are?" I ask. Presumably throwing up in a toilet with paper towels and a sink nearby would me far more comfortable than hurling in some bushes in public. "Yeah, they're over there, by the back." My brother tells me. I manage a swift "thanks" as I hurry along towards the direction he pointed out to me.

When I get to where the stalls are located I let out a disappointed grunt. All of them are *men's* rooms! I sigh, and walk around the building. Theres no trace of a women's stall, so I settle with the handicapped one. It dawns on me as I enter the disgusting public toilet, that the handicapped stall might have been intended for women as well. I shrug and let this idea pass, as I face the toilet bowl. Ready for business.

Mia comes into the bathroom and kindly holds up my hair for me, as I push my finger deep in my throat and gag. Mia smiles proudly and says, "I had a feeling you might come over to me one day, I'm so happy for you!" Her bad breath almost has a hurling effect on me. "I don't think I want to" I say, and continue "I don't want to have bad breath and toxins running wild in my stomach. This time was totally because I was feeling sick." She sighs "Huff, you're a disappointment, babe."

When I'm finally done; my stomach is empty, and clean of groseness, I calmly walk out of the bathroom as if my encountance with Mia never happened. I pop two pieces of mint gum in my mouth, and head towards my dad who looks worried. "You ok?" He asks, as we start towards the car. "Yeah," I lie, "I'm fine." And we walk the remaining distance in silence.

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