An Abrupt Exit

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Readers POV

As Mirabel and Bruno showed me around their village, I was almost in awe of the multitude of buildings and the people that called the Encanto their home. As the townspeople caught sight of the two Madrigals, they immediately greeted them with a chorus of "Buenas tardes, Señor Bruno!" and "Cómo has estado, Mirabel?" The two of them smiled in acknowledgement of the greetings and Mirabel answered,

"I'm doing well, thanks! Tio Bruno and I are just showing (y/n) around! She's new and will be staying with us in the Casita for the foreseeable future!"

At her words, the people that had gathered all seemed to notice that I existed at the same time. But upon noticing that Bruno and I were still holding hands, their eyes all widened substantially in surprise and they immediately started to crowd around the two of us.

"Oh Dios mío, she's living with the Madrigals and holding Bruno's hand!" One of the men excitedly yelled. "Does this mean that we might be seeing another Madrigal get married in the future?"

3rd person POV
Both Bruno and (y/n) started blushing and pulled their hands away from the other. However, the swarm of people still tried to press for answers. "When's the wedding?" "Where did she come from?" "How are you liking our Encanto?" and similar questions could be heard throughout the commotion. The two Madrigals were used to the way they were looked at by the townspeople, being part of a family that possessed magical powers, and tried their hardest to answer the questions without giving away any information that could start any gossip or rumors. However, (Y/n) herself was not used to the attention of so many people and was beginning to feel cornered and slightly scared being around so many strangers at once. She had spent much of her life on the run and as such this was a new and jarring experience for her. Bruno and Mirabel saw that she was feeling overwhelmed and tried to find a way to get her out of the crowd. Bruno found such a route and turned towards the (h/c) woman to grab her hand and lead her away from the others, which she gratefully accepted. The three of them then made a run for it, with Mirabel calling over her shoulder,

The rest of the townspeople stared after the trio as they made a beeline for the outskirts of the village. Then one of the younger men piped up.

"Maybe we were a bit too much?"

"You think so?" One of the children asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we were." Another man chimed in.


Bruno's POV and tiny time skip
The three of us caught our breath as we rested on a bridge Luisa had put on the outskirts of the town after she rerouted the river. As I regained control of my lungs I noticed (y/n)'s eyes were slightly glazed, almost like she was holding in some tears. I cleared my throat, catching her attention as she sat on the side of the stone structure.

"I'm sorry about the townspeople. They mean well, but they can sometimes be a bit overwhelming." I said as I sat by her form. Mirabel sat at her other side as all three of us watched the sun set over the mountains that made up the Encanto's boarder. Then (y/n) calmly spoke up,

"It's ok. It was just a lot of things to take in at once. The people here all seem to be good-natured, even if they are a bit overzealous."

Mirabel and I chuckled in agreement before she added, "But it truly was great to see people who respect your family and accept them, gifts or not. I haven't seen others like that in a long time. It's nice to see that the ability to care is so common here."

As the last rays of sun disappeared below the mountains, Mirabel and I shared a knowing look before I spoke.
"It wasn't always this way. Sometimes it takes the efforts of just one to change the the points of view of so many. But now that this is your home as well as ours, I hope you enjoy seeing the caring side of others more often."

(Y/n) turned towards me as a soft smile made its way onto her face.
"You can count on it, Bruno."

Buenas tardes - Good afternoon
Como has estado? - How have you been?

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