Boxed In

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(3rd Person POV)

As (y/n) and Bruno embraced, they both felt an indescribable feeling of warmth and happiness flow through them. For (y/n), she felt like the level of care that was shown to her by the individuals who lived there gave her hope. Hope that maybe she would be able to stay in the Encanto without the fear of being hunted by any poachers. And for both of them, they were starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, they were starting to feel a spark of something that felt a lot like love. But they had no way of knowing that the one who had the power to destroy that love was about to receive the news he had been waiting for.

(Meanwhile, at that very moment)

In the same stately villa on the outskirts of Bogota, Nicolás once again is rushing towards his Masters study. The news he is about to deliver sickens him, but he knows that he cannot withhold information from his master, as disobedience towards the De La Fuente family equates to severe punishment. As he stops at the door, preparing to announce his presence, he offers a silent prayer for the safety of the woman this news concerns. He then knocks.

"Enter", the cold voice of Adrian De La Fuente calls. Nicolás then swallows the lump forming in his throat and complies.

"Mi Señor, I bring you more news of the woman."

"Really? And what exactly is this news?"

"The group of hunters who you stationed at her last known location has said that she has not been seen leaving the area for quite some time. It appear that she is now..............trapped."

At those words, Adrian's face morphs into one of terrifying glee. His cold eyes then turn towards Nicolás, who noticeably cowers at the unnerving gaze boring into him. His Master's next words send a shiver down his spine and make his stomach turn.

"That is wonderful news. Relay the information to the the hunters that I will be joining them shortly. It took this long for Mi Premio to be found, it is only right that I am the one to capture her and bring her here. After such a long chase, I should be the one to feel the thrill of the reward."

"Y-ye-yes, Mi Señor." Nicolás stammers before wasting no time in running out of the room the same way he came in. His Master remains sitting at his desk, not moving for a few seconds. Then, his body begins to shake as a dark and foreboding laugh reverberates through his form.

"It looks like your time of evading me has come to a close, mi Premio. Because that once you are mine, I will ensure that you will not be able to escape my grasp. You will be the crowning achievement of my goal to make all of Colombia see that nothing is out of my reach. And there is nothing anyone will be able to do to stop me."

But what Adrian did not know was that his prize was in fact with a group of people who had the best chance of stopping him.

Endless Evasion (Bruno x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now