Sun Finds out about Monty

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🧍‍♀️Keira POV

*an hour and a half later*

I put on a red jacket over my shirt, making sure that Sundrop wouldn't be able to see the giant bruise.

I sighed while looking into the mirror, I was terrified of Monty now.
He was truly scary, but it was not because of his looks, it was obviously the way he acted. He was powerful.

I did not want to tell Sun what happened especially because I wasn't sure how he would react to such news.
I couldn't help but flash back to that moment. Monty had me pinned against the wall, he kissed me. Forcefully. And this bruise looked bad-

"Hey Keira!"

I jumped.
Sundrop appeared out of nowhere in my bathroom mirror, his head unable to fit through the door. I saw his hand push the bathroom door open slightly and I race to cover the bruise on my shoulder.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked abruptly.

He paused for a moment.
"Uhh ....yeah, I was just coming to ask you the same thing, Freddy said he saw you looking upset..."

Fuck. Now I already look suspicious.

"Yes, I am doing great! Thanks for checking in on me."
I say as I shoo him away from my bathroom.

We exit my room and enter the daycare.

"I was thinking that we could go watch the band play on the stage." Sundrop offered,
"-They have been rehearsing a new song and Freddy wants our opinion on it!" He sounded excited.

"That sounds like a great idea, Sun."

On the inside I was dreading the fact that I would have to see Monty again.

"Alright! Showtime is in 15 minutes, let's get this fun started!" He cheers while jumping into the air.

Sundrop was utterly adorable.
He was innocent, yet... not innocent if that makes sense.
He may be new to expressing his emotions in a healthy way, but his way of expressing love is undeniably unforgettable.
He has changed quite a lot since I first met him.
But from what I remember him telling me, Moondrop had always existed.

Sundrop extents his hand out, and I place mine in his. We hold hands and skip out the daycare.
Once with him, I forget about Monty for a while.

"Wanna do the Sun and Star trick?" He asks.
I was surprised that he remembered me wanting to call it that.

Down the main hallway, Sun and I run fast, he then grabs my waist and tosses me into the air.
He holds his hand out and catches my foot, and I go into a star position.

"Ta-Da!!" I shout as we hold this position.

"That was perfect, Keira!" He calls out as he lowers me carefully to the ground.

"We should make our own show with these new skills!" I offer.

He nods drastically,
"Yes, Yes! What a good idea, Keira!"

We then continue down the hallway, doing flips and handstands.
We were crazy acrobatics.
I didn't know I had such talent!
I run to him and grapple onto his back playfully, pulling him to the floor.

☀️Sundrops POV

I couldn't help but play around with Keira as we make our way to the show, she was in a great mood which made me so happy!

I do an impressive handstand, holding myself up with one arm, and waving to Keira with the other.

Once I stood normally, she was on my back and pulling me to the floor.
I wasted no time and rolled her around so that I was ontop.
She then stared into my eyes with love as she holds onto one of my yellow rays.
"You know what I am thinking about..?" She says seductively.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Female OC Smut StoryWhere stories live. Discover now