Finding Itsuki

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Karasu learned all the kids names and spirit energy quickly both Kurama and Karasu had fun playing with the kids and teaching them more stuff about their spirit energy it was fun watching all of a sudden Yusuke walked into the mansion with Genkai "Kurama" Yusuke said he stood up and looked over to Yusuke "yes" he said "we need you for this mission" Yusuke said Kurama didn't say anything "you still have a bit to think we don't know much yet I will be back later" Yusuke said

Yusuke left Kurama changed the subject "Akiko question" Kurama said "yes" I said "why do some of the kids have red eyes or green eyes none of us had those colors your hairs blond and none of us had red hair or purple hair" Kurama said I didn't answer for a few minutes Karasu walked over to Kurama I knew they would ask do I tell them the truth I guess it time "it a bit difficult to exsplain but it time you know sit" I said they did

I sighed "I didn't tell you before but I have 2 brother we don't get along Aarush and Inei we had a manger fight my family has a very high tendency for are kids to inharet some looks like there uncle's or grandparents that why some have red hair and red eyes Aarush has red hair and red eyes Inei has black hair and green eyes the reason some have purple hair is because my hair originally had purple in it but I didn't want anything to do with my mother so I changed it to pere blond" I said

Kurama and Karasu we're quiet "and for the White eyes" Karasu said I went to my wolf form my eyes were white "they inharted it from my wolf form I didn't think they would guess I should have told you before" I said "at least you were honest with us now" Kurama said I nodded

After a while Yusuke came back with more information Kurama agreed to go and I went also just for the hell of it we went to a cave and ventured in we fought the gamemaster and won then we continued someone asked us if we wished to continue Yusuke bluntly said "again why did we stop" we continue and as soon as we made it I made eye contact with itsuki "Akiko" he muttered not loud enough for anyone to hear

Kurama fought elder toguro traping him in his plant thing and Itsuki traped us in his let monster I was friend with it also as soon as itsuki entered and let us see threw the eyes also letting Yusuke out he hugged me "I'm sorry Akiko for leaving" itsuki said "hey it fine but after this I'm dragging you to Genkai place to see the kids" I said "they actually made it" itsuki said "yes thanks to Genkai help anyway" I said

Itsuki bugged Kurama also and no matter how much Kurama got irritated he couldn't hurt itsuki I would let him "just wait tell this is over" Kurama said to itsuki he just laughed after a bit Yusuke died Kurama and Hiei got a power bust and went after Sensui so did I Kuwabara joined us and slashed the barrier letting us threw we battled Sensui the only one who really stood a chance against him was me

After a bit of both of us fighting Yusuke joined us and I landed next to him he fought Sensui and I helped the others eventually Yusuke killed Sensui and Itsuki took Sensui body for filling his last wish as we left the cave itsuki apeard everyone was about ready to attack forgetting what heppend in the monster he hugged me Genkai was the first to ceath on "Akiko you really go for the most dangerous ones" Genkai said

I just laughed at that "just because there damages now doesn't mean they were back then" I said we all went him and introduced itsuki to the kids he immediately loved them I laughed at that
"Genkai" I said "yes Akiko" she said looking at me "I think we're going to go back to demon world thank you for helping me raise the kids" I said "your welcome and you can visit anytime" she said

All of us left for demon world Kurama would go back and forth so his mother wouldn't know anything

If I was in Yu Yu Hakusho from the beginningWhere stories live. Discover now