Chapter 15

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One year later, Sam stood in front of the mirror in their hotel room straightening his white suit and mask once again. Tonight was the annual LGBTQ+ Masquerade Party and Sam was promised another fun filled evening. He and Jackson had made a special trip into the city for tonight.

Lexi had offered to let them stay with her and Olivia, but they had opted for a hotel with a bit more privacy instead. Yesterday, they met the girls at the cafe and enjoyed brunch with lots of catching up on the side. It had been lovely and much needed. Sam missed Lexi's day to day a lot now that he had moved back upstate to work at Grand Oak. She and Olivia would be joining them tonight at the party and Sam was looking forward to the evening.

Sam tugged at his cuffs and smoothed his lapels once more. He had no reason to be nervous but still he was.

"You are as stunning as I remember," Jackson announced, stepping out of the bathroom from his shower. "How did I ever get so lucky?"

Sam blushed at the compliment, turning to face his partner. "I believe that I am the lucky one," he giggled, taking in Jackson's nakedness. "Now, hurry up, you are way behind in getting ready!"

Jackson swanned off to put his suit on as Sam gave his bottom a slap. "It takes me far less time to get ready than you, my love. Just you wait and see."

Sam laughed but he had to agree. Jackson was by far the lower maintenance half of their partnership. Not that Sam was high maintenance by any means but he definitely took longer than Jackson to dress. Which is why he had started dressing while Jackson was still enjoying the warm water of their shared shower.

Sam checked his phone for any messages from Lexi then he moved across the room to where Jackson was dressing. He enjoyed watching Jackson slide on his suit, though really he enjoyed watching Jackson put on any article of clothing, or take it off for that matter. He smiled as he came to stand behind Jackson while he buttoned his shirt up.

"You are gorgeous," he whispered, kissing Jackson's shoulder blade before resting his chin there.

"You're not so bad yourself." Jackson grinned, turning his face to catch Sam's lips for a kiss. "Are you trying to distract me, so you can prove you take less time to get ready?"

Sam gasped out his best appalled look that was quickly followed with giggles and more kisses. "I can't believe you would think that I would stoop to such levels."

Jackson shook his head and chuckled. "I wonder why I would have thought of that. Now, move along and let me get ready or we will never meet the girls in time."

Sam reluctantly let go of Jackson after giving him one more kiss. "Alright, but just because Lexi will have my head if we are late!" He laughed, moving to check his mask and make sure the tickets were in his wallet.

Sam didn't think he could be happier. He and Jackson were building a life together in his hometown, a life that had its ups and downs as they navigated their new relationship together.

Sam was working at Grand Oak full time after finishing school and passing the state nursing test, while Jackson was setting up his own cafe. Sam couldn't be prouder of his partner or of their life together.

"Okay, I'm ready. Are you?" Jackson asked, coming up next to Sam.

"Oh, uhm, yup, I'm ready." Sam was flustered.

"Got lost in your mind again, didn't you?" Jackson asked, playfully.

"Yeah, just a bit." Sam smiled. "I was just thinking about the life we are building together and how glad I am that it's you beside me."

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