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It was pure chaos down in the basement of the skeleton brother's two story house and I was caught right in the middle of it.

There were skeletons popping out of the machine left and right and they all had their eyes trained on me.

How did I get here though? We should go back to about a week ago, when I was asked to pet-sit for the brothers.

Papyrus and Sans were going on a business trip with Frisk and their family and Papyrus didn't want to leave their pet rock alone for all that time, so they asked me to make sure that the rock was fed regularly.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that pet rocks don't need food.

That's how I found myself leaving my house at around noon every day and sprinkling confetti sprinkles onto a little gray rock that I had not noticed until now.

The tray would always be empty when I left.

Today though, on the day that the skeleton monsters were supposed to be returning home, the basement was calling my name.

Down in the basement, there was that machine that made me feel sleepy when I would go near it.

So, of course I kept going down there; I was trying to figure out what the machine did and how to turn it on.

If I wanted to turn it on, that is.

The machine looked like a mess of wires and mechanical parts sitting next to a large, oblong tube that held an ominous darkness behind the clear glass casing.

There was also a mirror next to the machine that I would always make faces in when I went down there.

According to the papers littered on the large wooden coffee table that sat just to the right, right next to the stairs, it was supposed to be a looking glass into other dimensions.

All I could see though, were other skeletons that looked like the ones I had already met.

I wondered if they could see me, but only ever tried to make contact with one of them. The small angry looking one with sharp teeth and red eye lights.

I called out to him, but he couldn't seem to hear me, so I tried sticky notes instead.

That seemed to get his attention, but he wasn't very friendly.

This was the conversation:

'Hi there! Can you see me?'

'Yeah, I can and you look stupid.'

'Not as stupid as I could look.'

'Shut up and leave me alone.'

'No thank you. I want information.'

'Well You're not getting it, so Fuck. Off.'

Yeah, that's pretty much how it happened.

The rest of the papers on the desk were blueprints for the machine and notes from two people: Sans and someone named ______.

Some of the notes were written in a strange font (Wing dings?) and the others were in comic sans.

They were all talking about something called the void and how this machine was connected to it.

After reading a few more lines, I decided to get a closer look at the machine in spite of the little voice telling me that it wasn't a good idea.

Then, I felt a burning in my chest, almost like heartburn, as my soul left my body and was pulled towards the machine.


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