chapter 10

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C)Say you can only stay here for a limited time and leave after around 10 minutes.

"I can only stay for a few minutes Hirata," I answered.

Some of my classmates' faces morphed into disappointment.

"Ah that's fine, you probably have some student council work."

Nice save Hirata!

Almost all of them had an understanding look. Ayanokoji still had his poker face.

I stood up and walked to the front of the class podium.

I already know of ways class points increase but I can't tell them, the information will probably spread. And those cameras in the room might have audio although the ones next to the shop didn't. Better to be safe than sorry.

 There was probably a lot of discontented grumbling coming from Class C and D students as well. After
all, the school treated every class except for A like leftovers. Trying to get to the top was probably our best option.

"Everyone before we start discussing points I think we need to come up with a way of how to lead this class," Hirata said.

"Like a leader and vice leader?" A student called out.

"Yep, it would make the class more organised, in the future other classes might try to attack our class to decrease points, since there is no method for us to increase our points it can be decreased instead," I said.

"What do you mean by that?" Kushida asked worriedly.

"If one student in our class comes late or does something bad then our class points will decrease. But what if one of the other classes purposefully does something bad to us like start a fight to decrease our points and have a method where they don't get caught."

Hirata gave me an anxious gaze. Lots of the students looked a bit worried and even shaken.

"There is no way they would do something like that, right?" 

"Hirata if we get to class A we have the opportunity to choose whatever field we work in, it might seem underhanded but this is our future we are talking about so if one of the other classes does something like that it will be understandable to get to class A, that's why we need a leader who is prepared to face other classes and get to class A while leading this class," I answered honestly.

"Why don't you lead us then?" Sato asked.

Kushida shook her head and agreed

"Shin-Kun is really smart and always thinks outside of the box and he's friendly. I think he will be a good leader. Plus he's a part of the student council," she agreed with a chirpy smile.

A lot of our classmates started to nod and in the end, they all agreed I should be the leader of the class. Well, this went as expected, I knew they would nominate me as a leader after I revealed some of the S system and joined the student council.

"Hey Shin-kun," Matsushita called out.

"What is it?"

"On the day you told us about class points and private points you said to not reveal that information to other classes, did you know something like this was going to happen so you didn't want the other classes to know?" Matsushita asked.

"Ah that's true, if you knew something like this was going to happen, why didn't you tell us," Ike said in frustration.

"It was only a theory at the time and I didn't have enough evidence and info to make you believe it even if I said if I told you the school you came to is not offering 100 percent in whatever field or college but that's the whole reason you came would you believe me."

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