Steve X Soda (The OTP)

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This Chapter is dedicated to the following: 











Thank you all SO MUCH for all the WONDERFUL dares/truths/ideas that you all have been sending in, it has finally motivated me enough to pick up the pencil (Technically type, haha), and start writing again! The gang is very excited to be back and this Chapter is going to be full of surprises. If you are tagged up above, look forward to seeing yourself in this chapter, because it's going to be a long one! You guys deserve this, I'm so happy I have so many wonderful supporters and this Chapter is LONG overdue to be made. Thank you for making me who I am, I love you all. Now, enough of my rambling, lets go get the gang!! First up, we have Katsuki_felis!

Johnny: H-hey..Kat? Can I call you Kat? I don't really know what to call you so uhm..*walks towards her awkwardly* 

Kat: Kat? Well..oh I guess I'm Kat now :)

Johnny: Heh-. Sooo, man you're really pretty you know..*blushes a little*

Kat: Aww, so are you, Johnny. I-I mean not pretty...handsome...well, you are pretty but also handsome in a way they both fit together so you kinda get what I'm saying-

Johnny: Yeah, I get what you're saying *lil puppy dog eyes*

Kat: So, I think you're really wonderful and cute, honestly..and you're amazing in every way and I never got a chance to tell you so, well, I..

Johnny: *smiles at her softly* You're an angel, you know that?

Kat: R-really? *looks down at the ground*

Johnny: Really really...*pulls her chin up gently and looks into her eyes* I know I'm not very good at this man..but..I'm gonna try because I really like you, Kat.

Kat: *smiles* I like you too, Johnnycakes.

Johnny: *leans forward and kisses her quickly*

Kat: *blushes deeply*

Johnny: S-sorry that was...not good...

Kat: No! No, I mean it was fine Johnny, I promise!

Johnny: *leans forward and kisses her again with more passion, his hands running through her hair* 

Kat: *kisses back, hugging him close*

Johnny: *pulls away but continues to hold her close* I will always be here for you, angel. 

Kat: I'll always be here too. I promise. <3


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