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[Taken from the perspective of a regretful Diamond]

"I've always seen myself.. as a bug to you.

You tell me many things that I already understand.

I always see myself standing in your way

These feelings fueled up against you, I can't say..

Despite these many things you've always been there.

The day I fought you.. I realized that I have outshined you.

It scared me that you no longer want to fight

To me.. it's like losing you entirely..

Oh, brother, Now that we reside on the moon 

and you by my side is all I need

I somehow longed for the old Bort

The battle-freak

The uptight.. 

Brother, you are

I miss it, so so much.

Then there you are.

You held my hand with your look,

your once long hair was cut 

your unending intolerance was now controlled,

And then you held me tightly in your arms.. 

After many years.. I've longed for a moment like this

Then you held my cheek and told me.

'The things I was.. Those are behind me now.'

No.. I don't even believe you,

My Bort.. 

You changed too.. 

Like many things in this world..

You've become the very thing I wished you to be but..



Even if I could not handle it..

【I miss the old Bort】"

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