Last Chapter

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This is the last chapter, but don't worry I'll be writing other books about Bellarke. I have millions of ideas and I hope you will continue reading my books.

Ten years later


"Hey little angel! How was your day"
"Daddy show me how to set a fire."
I gave a look at Bellamy. I can't believe he is showing our four years old girl how to set a fire.
"I need to go see uncle Jasper he told me he has a suprise for me."
"Ok I'll call you when dinners ready."
"Hey princess!"
"Hey Bell! Would you tell me why you're showing Malia how to set a fire?"
"We don't know she could need it at any time."
"Bell! She's four years old. I don't think she needs it right now. And it's dangerous."
"Don't worry Clarke!" He ended the conversation by kissing me softly.
"I love you princess!"
"I love you Bellamy"

Third person

A few years later Bellamy ask Clarke to become his wife.
They had a little boy. They called him Finn.
They lived together until Death decided to take them.

The End!

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