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What's this? Two parts in one day?! Don't get too used to it. This chapters going to be set up different from Camilo's
Isabela had been stuck being perfect her whole life. In secret, she was jealous of Mirabel. She showed that jealousy through being rude. Mirabel felt the same way so she responded by also being rude, she was jealous of Isabela.

The two sisters were never close. Now, Isabela was so imperfect she realized why Mirabel was so jealous of her.. She was now surrounded by people that were 'normal' because they didn't have a curse. Sure having a gift can be hard, but nothing like having everyone on your back all of the time.

Isabela was so busy being jealous and trying to get under her sister's skin, she never realized exactly what Mirabel was going through.

Isabela felt really bad.. As in, really really bad. So she was going to try and make up for it. She was going to find her sister, make her happy, and live happily ever after!

Oh how poor Isa couldn't have been more wrong.. Isabela and Alma were the last two people Mirabel would forgive.

Mirabel's heart was getting more and more corrupt. She was losing her mind more and more. Soon enough there would be no telling how bad she would get.

Luisa had always been strong. Any feelings she felt, she pushed them away. Sometimes, she was the string holding her family together.

Now.. her sister was gone. The string broke. And so did Luisa.. She blamed herself for Mirabel's leaving. She blamed herself for all of the family's issues. If she had only been stronger..

If only...
But, Luisa can't think like that. If she wanted to get her family back together she needed to be strong. She failed once, she's not failing again. Luisa was going to tie the string back together.

Isabela noticed Luisa's sudden determination. The girls were sisters so,
"Hey Luisa?"
"Isabela? What is it?"
"Can we work together to find Mirabel? We'll do better as a team. Sisters should stick together and watch eachother's back" Luisa thought for a moment on Isabela's offer.

Then she realized. It wasn't her weakness that pushed her family apart. Luisa had been so focused on being strong, she hadn't focused on why she was so strong.
"Let's save our sister." Luisa smiled and Isabela grinned. The two set off, using eachother to be stronger. Every time Isabela would fall, Luisa would pick her back up. When Luisa couldn't walk anymore out of exhaustion, Isabela would help. Now that the two were working together, nothing could stop them.

They would save their sister, no matter what.

Thanks for reading!! I'm sorta running low on ideas atm, suggestions would be useful!! Thanks!

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