Chapter 11

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As I fell, I could hear Klara start screaming my name and shouting no. I could see James looking out over the bridge. I smiled back right before I was dropped into the cold, fall water. I was thrown around and tossed. I couldn't breathe but I guess that's what my whole intention was. As I was being jostled around in the water, my ribs were slammed into a rock. My hands were cut acainst the sharp glass pieces on the floor. There was a broken bottle that cut through my pants and another piece of glass was stabbed into my thigh. My wrist was slammed between a rock and the river bank. I tried grabbing soemthing but it wasn't working. Everything was slipping through my bloody wet hands. I fought the water and was able to get a quick breath but not before I was dragged under the water once again.

I was tumbling through the water when something grabbed my arm. I was numb so the only reason that I knew that someting had grabbed me was because I stopped tumbling on my own. I had another person clinging to me. We stopped tumbling all together, we just drifted there in the water as the waves rushed around our bodies. The other person grabbed my waist and pushed me up on to the shore as another person was pulling me up. My vision was starting to go black just as I saw the third person pulling the person that held me out of the water. I couldn't tell who either one of them was before my vision was gone.

I woke back up in a bed that I had never seen. I wasn't dead but I didn't know if that was such a bad thing right now. I looked around the room trying not to move my head because it hurt really bad. I looked over at my hand and I saw someone was holding it. I turned my head the slightest bit and it was a sleeping James that met my eyes. I sniffled a little bit and lifted my arm to wipe my nose. I pulled my hand away from my nose and there was blood covering it. I didn't know what to do but the blood was flowing faster. I started panicing and I tried to wipe it away again but it didn't work. The blood started running down to my mouth and I started crying so the blood was even runnnier and every time I breathed out I sprayed blood over the blanket. James jumped awake and looked at me. He saw the blood running down my face and his face went as white as a ghost. I tried to hide my face but he grabbed a tissue and wiped my face. His face started to get some color back into it and he sat me up. I had gotten blood on my shirt so he walked over to what I was guessing his dresser and he grabbed out a shirt. He helped me take my shirt off and helped my put his on. It wasn't sexual at all he wasn't hinting at anything. He was just there trying to take care of me when I was at my weakest. He leaned me back against the pillow and grabbed a new blanket from the pile on the floor. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, when I reopened them I saw James sitting back down grabbing my hand.

"Where is Klara?" I asked.

"She went to go get gauze, proxide, stiching materials and stuff like that from her moms office. You have some pretty deep cuts."

"Oh." I gripped his hand to let him know that I didn't want him to let go. A knock at the bedroom door broke us from our moment. Our eyes darted to the door as we watched Klara come in. She was helping out at her mom's doctors office so she knew what she was doing. She pulled the blanket off of me quite violently. I looked at her trying to read her expression but she had a blank face plastered over it.

"I'm sorry." She didn't even flinch. Those words didn't phase her because she didn't care. I had hurt her and I was only thinking about myself when I jumped off that bridge. I didn't even think abou thow she would feel if I had died, let alone survived. I sat up as she went to grab my leg. James tried to get me to calm down but I coudln't hold it in. "Obviously you didn't hear me. I said I was fucking sorry, okay? I didn't watn you to see that. I just wanted to go alone. But you and James came to save me as usual. I never want you to have to do this."

"Yeah it is as usual that I'm saving your ass isn't it. I just stole from my mothers clinic to help your sorry ass. Maybe you should have died when you jumped off that damn bridge. Maybe you wouldn't still be screwing with my head if you were gone!" She fired back. I didn't know what to say. She just told me that I made her life terrible and that I messed with her head when I was here. I fell back onto the bed like I did when I jumped off the bridge. I closed my eyes and pulled my hand away from James. I covered my face to hide my tears. I looked at James with the look of "please take me home" in my eyes. He slightly nodded and then looked over at Klara and nodded towards the door. She rolled her eyes and put the stuff in the bag. They walked into the hallway and started talking. I walked over to his dresser and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts of his. I grabbed the red ones with the grey streak running down the side. I took my jeans off, being careful of the fresh cuts from the things in the river. I walked voer tot he bed and sat down before putting the shorts on. I looked at all the white and deep purple lines all over my legs. I traced my deepest one that never closed properly. I traced my finger over it with a tear starting to roll down my face. I did that after I was beaten up for sitcking up to the people bullying Klara. I could hear their voices raising outside the door and I heard the doornob move a little. I threw on the shorts and laid back down in the bed and covered up.

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