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It was dark outside, Bose was sitting in the hip hop puree alone calling Mika. After around 12 times he tried to reach her he called again.

"Come on Mika, why are you not picking up?" He asked himself but something happened, something different than the other times he called her. She didn't ignore the call, she declined it: "hey it's Mika's voicemail, if I'm not picking up, I'm probably doing homework so leave the message after beep noice" *beep*

"Hey Mika, it's me, Bose.....again. Listen, if you don't want to pick up I understand, but I really want to talk with you, so....I'll come over. Just to let you know" He said and sigh as he stood up and left Hip hop puree. He went to Mika and Miles's house and was just about to knock on the door when he heard something. He went behind the house to see what's that noice and he saw Rick Twitler carring unconscious Mika and putting her in the back of some truck.

When Twitler turned on the truck Bose quickly ran and held for some bar on the back of it as the truck started moving. Bose managed to open the back door and enter the truck and with his telekinesis he closed the door. He turned around and saw unconscious Mika lying on the floor and he quickly ran to her.

"Mika, you okay?" He tried to wake her up "Mika? Come on" nothing. The truck jumped a little bit and he fell on the other side of it, some box started falling towards Mika so he quickly without thinking threw it away with his powers. He pulled Mika in his arms so if something like that happen again he can protect her.

After some time went by he fell asleep and after few hours he woke up as the truck stopped. Bose slowly opened his eyes, Mika was still in his arms unconscious, he felt relive for a moment but that was all gone when he heard someone coming so he quickly hid behind some boxes. Twitler opened the door and picked Mika up and left. Bose started following him and saw that he entered some building. It looked like some kind a wherehouse or something.

"Where is this place?" Bose thought. He entered the werehouse and kindaaa....got lost. He was looking for Twitler and Mika but he couldn't find them, that place was literally like a maze.

Meanwhile, in some room, Mika slowly started opening her eyes.

"Ohh, look who's finally awake"

"What do you want with me?" She asked terrified.

"Are you scared? Don't be, I honestly don't know why are you even surprised to see me. I mean, you already new I'm comig, right? You felt something that night....in your dream"

"How do you know about that?"

He smirked and continued "see last year when I possesed you, your friends thought they took me out of you, and they technically did. But...one part of me was still there, it's like a poison, since you defeated me I was weak and I needed some time to recover and now that I'm stronger again I managed to wake up that poison inside of you. And since that poison is part of me, it means that you could've feel that I'm around, like when I sent you the message that I'm coming, instead it just came into your mind, it came into your dream. And when your brother told everyone your secret, you were trying to stay calm but you couldn't cause you knew that I'm close so you just started squeezing your phone. And when you were alone on that clearing, you screamed from all the anger you felt in that moment but you also felt that I'm right there behind you so your hands started shaking. And with part of my soul inside of you, I can control you whenever I want" he smirked "but I can't take the full control like the last time, yet! So I just need to put more poison in you and you'll be all mine" he said smiling evily as her heart started pounding so hard.


Bose was still lost in that maze of the building trying to find Rick Twitler and Mika when he heard an echo...."Mika!" He said and ran towards the direction of where the scream came from. As faster as he was running the scream full of pain and horror was louder. It was so hard for him to listen his best friend in that much pain, that scream was so painful to listen that made him let out a few tears. But then....silence. The screaming stopped. Bose came to some door and was pretty sure the screaming was coming from that room. He kicked the door but there was nobody there, he looked around when he heard something, well...someone.

"Looking for her?" Bose turned and saw Twitler holding unconscious Mika.

"What did you do?"

"Listen I really don't have time for this, I have a train to catch and I really don't need little boy trying to stop me so goodbye"

"Let her go, now!"

Twitler groans "you kids are so annoying sometimes" he said and threw some kind of a bomb at Bose and in a few seconds the room was filled with some mist.

Bose's vision got all blury and his eyes started closing

"Wha- what are you doing? What is this?" He asked weakly.

"Nothing much, it will just make you fall asleep for a couple of hours" Twitler said and smirked.

Bose fell on the ground, he looked up and saw Twitler leaving with Mika still in his arms.

"Wait! Where are you going! Where are you taking her! STOP! MIKA!" He was now barely awake "I'm not done..." he said weakly and fell down asleep.

I know this part is short but there wasn't much happening in this scene but the following parts will be longer. Also, be sure to check out my other story Danger force the movie, the new part will be out soon. And for this story, I can't tell when the next part will be out because the school is starting in 4 days and I already have to study so yeah👍but it will definetly be out soon. That's it for now, and if you have some ideas for the story just write down in the comments or text me. Bye

@_mika_and_bose_ on instagram

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