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I really hope that wasn't her boyfriend ..........I ....would....die.... I suddenly snapped back to reality realizing that my friend was Alex was talking to me. "Huh? I'm sorry what were you saying?" I asked sheepishly. "Bro you didn't hear a word I just said? Wow..... " Alex chuckled " who's the chic?" he asked." What do you mean?" I asked nervously. "You keep zoning out and stuff. I didn't think anything of it until right now when you weren't paying attention while talking about SUPERHEROS you always pay attention to that. So you must be thinking about something somewhat better than who's the chic?" Alex questioned. "You really want to know?" I replied while pulling up to his house. "YOU BET I WANT TO KNOW!!! IVE KNOWN YOU SINCE PRE-K YOU BETTER TELL ME!" he exclaimed. "Fine....let me grab something to eat first..." I grumbled. I lifted my bag out the backseat, slung it over my shoulder, and jogged into his house. As I opened alex's fridge, to my delight I found nice cold leftover pizza. I grabbed 2 slices, a coke, and kicked the door closed. Slowly I stumbled down the steps to the basement not wanting to confess. Plopping on a beanbag chair, i took a bite of my pizza, and braced myself but before I could say anything Alex asked "Can I guess who it is first cause I think I know who it is?". " Sure , why not? " I sighed. "OK.... Is it my cousin?" Alex smirked. "Who?" I asked completely lost. "You know my cousin, sherlock". Realizing what he just said I felt myself turn right red and all I could do is gape at this new information about sherlock.. Sherlock....beautiful name....and ALEX'S COUSIN....woah..

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