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"Slow down Mallory for fucks sake!" Kye said, leaning between the two front seats, slightly laying his head on Iris. Iris drunkenly looks down at him, "Pshhh we're fine, live a little." She pats his head while she takes a drink of a vodka bottle. "Ok that's enough you guys have had way too much." "Shut the hell up you haven't even smoked.." Ava says you can tell she was high, her eyes were bloodshot and her pupils were dilated. "Yeah and you guys smoke too much." Kye was defending himself, everyone took him as the responsible one but everyone was wrong. "Fuck it give me the bottle, and light me a cigarette damn it y'all are annoying as fuck!"

Truth be told Kye wasn't responsible at all he would go drinking and smoking at parties with other friends. Although he was the oldest in the group and didn't want to be a bad influence. "Well shit looks like someone took my advice." Iris said "Fuck off!" Kye was getting annoyed. Everyone else in the car was drunk and high except for Kye but he was getting there. "Turn up the radio, we need some tunes!" Ava is adventurous and only acts out if something bad is going on at home. Ava never had a stable life at a very young age; she lost her parents and had to live with her grandpa, she's been with him ever since.

"LOOK OU-" Kye screamed at the top of his lungs but was too late to finish the sentence. Kye clenched his eyes shut and heard the horrible sound of metal clashing and glass shattering. After everything stopped, he opened his eyes to see blood everywhere. He was hurt the least because he was sitting in the middle of the back seat. He looks around at his friends and sees Ava unconscious, Mallory's head bashed against the steering wheel, Jasper came to before everyone else and was trying to get out of the car, and he noticed someone was missing. Iris. Kye was still working on regaining consciousness when Jasper got out of the car in search of Iris, "IRIS!" Jasper's voice was breaking in search of the girl he loves. He saw her laying beside the burning car and ran up to her. "Iris please. Wake up for me." Tears were streaming down his face, something that rarely happens. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, god only knows how it was still intact and called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"We were just in a car accident, my girlfriend was ejected from the car, she has burns on the right side of her body. And I don't know about my other friends. Please get here as soon as you can!"
Girlfriend? That was not a term Jasper ever pictured himself using. This girl was going to be the death of him.
"Sir, please slow down. Where are you at?"
He took a deep breath to attempt to calm himself.
"Just past the huge turn on- uh Chestnut Ridge Rd."
"The police and medics are on their way."

Ava woke up to Kye shaking her awake. She looked at the damage around her. "Oh my god I have to text Marcus."She looked on the floor for her phone but it was nowhere to be found. "Shit, Shit Kye go get Mallory. "God damn it where the hell is Jasper. I have to find my damn phone!" Under all the stress Ava starts hyperventilating, she could hardly breath. "Shit shit." Ava started to panic even more. Ava finally found her phone and climbed out of the car.

'Marcus. Something bad happened.'
'What happened Ava?'
'We were drinking... Mallory wrecked. I can't find some of my friends, it's bad.'
'Ava, I'm on my way. Stay where you are'

"Shit." "What, what did I do?" Reia was confused, and concerned. "No,...no-" Marcus paused for a split second thinking of how bad the damage could be, "Umm shit sorry my sister was in a crash, I uh have to go sorry." Ava felt worried and knew it was the right thing to do. She couldn't be selfish in this moment when there was something going on in his world too.  Reia looked up at Marcus with a concerned look and pulled the sheets closer to her body. "Okay. Do what you need to." She gave him a nod of approval even though she knew he didn't need it.
Marcus quickly got dressed and grabbed his stuff. He shot Reia a quick look, "I'm sorry." He went out to the car and made his way to the hospital.

Kye finally got Mallory awake and they both got out of the car. Kye saw Jasper kneeling and holding Iris as he cried. Seeing the sight gave him chills as Jasper is the last person to show emotion. Kye saw another woman weakly crawling out of the car. The woman got out of the car and glanced back at the car that held her now dead husband. She then looked at the flashing lights of the Ambulance before collapsing

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