The second victim

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The Huntington Library was bustling with people's presence, low whispering comments were passed as people expressed their views on the series being exhibited by a new artist.

Murder of love was quite a unique name for such delicate artworks .

"Aren't roses supposed to be a representation of love ?"A young man commented . "I feel that the artist wanted to depict a love story with a sad ending ." "Like Romeo and Juliet?" "Why !Ofcourse the painting first love must be depicting the death of Romeo cause the hand seems to belong to a male."  The debate on the meaning of the artworks quickly became the main component of the exhibit .

Perfectly camouflaged In the crowd a young lady watched as the conversation unfolded . Unlike others she truly understood what the first painting meant .

"You said I was your first love."

A single rose means love at first sight .

Red is associated with the heat , energy, passion and love.Red has always been closely associated with the expression of anger , it is also the colour of blood and danger .

The hands are the organs of the body which, except for the face, have been used most frequently in various art forms to express human feeling.The usual meaning of the hand would have been constant reassurance and help , but here the hand meant bondage and trap .

As the crowd calmed down and the conversation died . The exhibition proceeded well , good reviews popped up on the artist's socials .
"The works have so much to tell , its like it has layers to its orgin"
"Colours , technique, story the artworks seems to have everything "

"Can't believe this artist is still considered a learning artist in the industry  ! So much potential!"

"Looking forward to all the new works !"

The comments kept crowding up , messages upon messages.

"Well I guess the exhibition was a success." The sound of her unique calm voice could be heard with the ever playing television sounds in the background. She could be seen in her kitchen cooking her dinner after a tiresome work day .

Her flowing beige night gown moved with the soft breeze coming from the open kitchen window . The familiar sound of food sizzling on the cast iron pan could be heard accompanied with a slight humming of a old bedtime song.

She plated her food messily and moved to her couch where she proceeded to have her self made dinner .

Beside her blissfully sleeping was her dog . He was always there with her to witness her ups and downs of life since she adopted him from an almost shutting down adoption centre . Life had been serving them good finally.FINALLY.

Today at 5:30 pm Los Angeles  Oliver Michigen was found dead left with a bouquet of white roses . He was found tied up to a chair with all his teeth removed and hands severed in his Beverly Hills house . Police speculates that this murder may be related to the most recent murder of Mr. Roberts .
Deputy Commissioner of Police suggests that a serial killer or a group of killers might be on the lose .
Till now both the linked murders are men and tortured with roses left behind with the dead body .

The news flashed on the tv screen .

"Innocent and pure is what you liked the best in me , so I got rid of it ."

Roses and thorns ( Chaennie )Where stories live. Discover now