Mornings are the worst

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A/N Hey guys what's happening. This is my first fanfiction and I'm so excited to write it! I'm very excited for the storyline and have a lot planned for this book!! Okay let's get down to business. I just want to warn you that there is a tad bit of cursing in the beggining, but I'm telling you that's not what it's gonna be like for the entire book. And basically this chapter is about character development, so it may not seem exciting at first but it will get juicier in the later chapters. I'll try to post every other day or something like that. So kick back, relax, and enjoy :)

Fuck you!!" I sleepily shouted "Fuck you! Fuck this!" I complained as I harassed my alarm clock for waking me up. Well... You know it did that every morning. You could say I'm really not a morning person. "Fuck... Everything" I said defeated. I was so tempted to hit that big snooze button that was calling my name but if I did it would make me late for work. If you asked anyone who knew me what I was like, the first thing they would say about me was that I was never late. I was the queen of punctuality. I turned of my alarm clock and sprawled my arms and legs across my queen sized bed to stretch. I felt my muscles loosen and my arms quiver with the delightful feeling. I turned my head to see my cat Mushu, who was woken up from my temper tantrum. He was looking at me in confusion but with an amused look about him at the same time. "What are you looking at you mutt" I breathed as I stroked him on the head. I swung my long legs over the side of the bed and put my feet on the floor. I nuzzled my feet into the carpet and relaxed on my bed for the moment. Carpets are like fur of the floor I thought to myself. "Why am I so weird" I said outloud.

"Alright still got plenty of time Raven" I stated as I glanced at my red watch. I always felt like the name I got didn't really fit me. When I hear the name Raven, I always think of someone dark and mysterious... The opposite of me. I'm more bright and... weird, but in a good way. Hopefully. Heh. But, I'm not much of a talker. At all. Unless I'm around someone who I am comfortable with, for example myself. The problem is I do get anxiety a lot (which is why I'm always on time for things). But I try not to let it get the best of me. I'm better then that. I then galloped down the tight hallway to get a glimpse of myself in the tall mirror in the guest bedroom. I lived in a tiny apartment on the 5th floor of a complex. Even though it was tiny, it did have a guest bedroom which was weird, but good for keeping all of my junk in. I did have a queen sized bed in there, but no one came over to my place anyways. Even though it was cramped in my apartment I didn't mind the small space, good for one person living there, ya know? I scanned myself in the mirror and frowned slightly. Wow did I look like crap. My piercing green eyes looked up and down the reflective glass, observing my long brown hair that I always kept up in a bun, my skinny oval face, and just my height in general. Wow was I tall (I think I was around 5'8, but I wasn't really sure since I haven't been to the doctors in a while.
The last time I went was a few years ago.) When your 18 and living by yourself with a not so high paying job, the visit to the doctors gets moved down on the to do list. "Alright stop checking yourself out let's go" I said to myself as I grabbed my car keys. "See ya Mushu" I said as I blew him a kiss. He blankly stared at me with those green eyes, ones just like mine. "Heh" I chuckled as I grabbed my phone. I saw I got a text message... and was pretty excited considering no one talks to me a lot.It was from my coworker Bonnie. Bonnie: Are you almost here? ;)

A/N: Hope you guys liked it! Sorry it was so short. I'm on vacation, so I'll probably be doing a lot of updating. Goodbye my fellow Wattpadians! ;)

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