Ajs pov

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Honestly messaging Seth just turns my mood around he brightens my day and I haven't met him but he asked to meet over the summer I'm nervous excited because it's Seth Rollins I am happy and I run and jump on Drew's back
Aj-so guess what
Dolph-from your happiness imma go with Seth
Drew-haha what did he want
Aj-well guess whose finally meeting this summer
Dolph-that's great he's all you talk about maybe me and drew can meet our pen pals
Drew-that's be fun
Aj-just think finally seeing the guy I've fallen for and spending summer with him what could go wrong
The problem is I didn't realize Sami was listening and I knew something was about to go wrong but we get to lunch and I decided it's my turn to type first dolph and drew don't mind they are to busy kissing but they know I'm all smiles could only mean one thing and one thing only Seth Rollins I pull out my phone and click his name i think about what to start with but knowing Seth he won't care what I say I look back and dolph and drew and hope someday me and Seth can be like that

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