Tuesdays (2)

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The Doctor HATES Tuesdays with a burning passion. She refuses to travel during them, because, "nothing good ever happens on a Tuesday."

She said this to me as I stood in the kitchen one Tuesday morning, a cup of steaming tea in my hands and a smile on my lips.

" aw cmon Doc, there's got to be somewhere we can go!"

I was feeling uncharacteristically perky today, and The Doctor uncharacteristically not. She shook her head and frowned, her face telling me that the answer was set.

" Nope. The Tardis has lots of things to keep us entertained... just don't really feel like going out.."

She said, her gaze far away. I sighed, sipping my tea solemnly. There was no talking her out of this one.

" I know! Why don't we have a spa day!"

I grinned, the idea hitting me all of a sudden. The Doctor looked like she was considering it, then smiled and nodded her head.

" Yeah! That sounds brilliant!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm, and set down my cup, before pulling The Doc out of the kitchen, and towards my room.

" Cmon then!"

She laughed and stumbled along with me, until we reached my room. I had already picked out some face masks and nail polish colours, and was setting them on my pale blue bedsheets when I noticed The Doc standing a little awkwardly at the doorway.

" You alright Doc?"

I asked a little worried. She blushed red and focused her eyes on the ground.

" You sure I can come in?"

She mumbled nervously. I laughed and patted the place on the bed beside me. She grinned and within seconds was sitting excitedly next to me, wide eyes taking in the colours.

" We have rose gold, turquoise, mint green, yellow, and purple. What dyou fancy?"

I asked turning to her. She thought for a minute, nose scrunching up as she did, before she smiled and picked up the yellow bottle. I smiled and took her hand in mine, before realising how close we were.

" I can help.. If you want?"

I said nervously, The Doctors hand still in mine. She smiled

" That'd be great!"

I smiled and started the first layer. The yellow turned out very bright, but thankfully The Doctor seemed to like it better that way. When I finished she examined them with a wide smile, before meeting my eyes.

"What colour are you having? I bet you'd suit purple!"

I thought for a second before picking up the purple, and attempting to place some on my nails. I swore a few times under my breath, before soft hands took mine in theirs. I gasped slightly before looking up to see The Doctor, focused intently on my hands as she covered them messily in the bright purple polish.

"There! All finished."

She finally said, grinning at her work. It was smudged in places, and some of her yellow had mixed in with the purple, but it looked great. I smiled before looking up at her. Her face was so much more beautiful up close, and I spend a few minutes just admiring her. She looked right back at me and didn't say anything.

I decided, what the hell, and moved forwards, my lips softly grazing hers. She smiled into me, and pressed against me, her arms wrapping round my neck and her lips kissing me softly.

We spent a few minutes wrapped up in each other, before collapsing back in the bed. I opened my eyes to see The Doctor looking at me like I was the stars above, and smiled softly. She returned it, before resting her head against my chest, no words needed to explain how much we adored each other.

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