Chapter 3

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I really don't want to go back into that office. My hesitation isn't being helped by the fact that I can hear my parents shouting from the other side of the door.
But, knowing I can't avoid the inevitable, I reach for the door handle and prepare myself only for the door to be opened for me.
I stand stunned, staring straight at the flushed face of my Mum, who looks equally as shocked as me.
"Where the hell did you go?" She shouts in my face, the vein in her neck pulsing dangerously close to the surface of her skin.
"I'm sorry Mum. Laura called." I say as I squeeze passed her and sit on the wooden seat opposite a very calm looking Mrs. Abbleton once again.
"We were in a very important meeting!" My mum screeches as she sits down, and we all wince at the pitch and volume of her voice.
"Which I think we should continue. I am a very busy lady you know." Mrs. Abbleton snaps at us and shoots me a glare.
My mum and dad aren't sat as close anymore, and there is an invisible tension between them that means they've been arguing again. Which doesn't surprise me due to the shouting I heard before I came in here.
"It looks like it all comes down to you Charlotte. You can either transfer to a sixth form in Norfolk and I know one which is a half hour bus drive away from your Grandparents house, or we can arrange tutoring." She looks up at me, clearly fed up and bored of my family's problems.
My sister has it great. Seventeen years old and when her world is falling apart she can just sleep in her boyfriend's bed and not have to worry about a thing.
"Those are my only two options?" I ask, my mouth gaping slightly.
"Well if your father here could keep hold of his job properly then you wouldn't have to choose between any options!" My mum suddenly shouts and waves her hands about while insulting my dad. Where did that come from?
"Well maybe if you could get a good, well-paid job instead of fannying about that hospital then we wouldn't be in this mess to start off with!" My dad retorts, his nostrils flared and his cheeks red.
"Oh god. Here we go again." Mrs. Abbleton groans and leans back in her seat, rubbing her forehead.
I barely hear her as everything around me is starting to fade away and the shouting becomes muffled and seems distant.
If my parents argue too much, they may decide to split and then what? What will happen to me; where will I stay?
"I'll go to California." I whisper to myself.
"Shut up. I'll go live in California!" I shout at my parents who had gotten to the point of just screaming insults at each other.
They both stare at me, jaws slack and eyes wide.
"What do you mean go to California?" My mum says at the exact same time my dad says "What are you on about?"
Oh god. I've said it now. I have to do it. I can do this. I don't even want to do this. Or maybe I do? Otherwise I wouldn't have said it right?
This could work. Laura could look after me. I could get a job and pay my way so my parents don't have to worry. They pushed me to this, but it's the right thing to do.
"Laura offered for me to go and live with her in California." I say quietly, yet it feels like I'm shouting in the now silent room.
"And you're actually considering it?!" My mum shouts, looking betrayed I would even think of such a thing.
"Well I wasn't but now I am! It seems like the only solution! I could live with Laura, get a job, go to college. I would have a place to stay where I wouldn't have to sleep on the floor and it would take the pressure off of you guys!" I shout back, tears now welling in my eyes even though I have no idea why.
"You think we want you to leave?" My dad says, him too looking slightly betrayed.
"No. I just think it may be best." I try and persuade them. I'm still not keen on the idea but it seems so much better than what I'll have to face if I don't go. "It's not like it would be permanent, just until you guys can get everything sorted. If there was another option involving me staying in the country I would but you know there isn't." I say to my stunned parents.
"I could organise a transfer to a college. A few hours, maybe 10, a week." Mrs. Abbleton suddenly says. I had forgotten she is still sat there. "Where in California are you going?" She continues, sighing as she sits forward to look at her computer.
"Umm Los Angeles. I think." I say, not daring to look in my parents direction again as I know my mum is probably crying.
After typing and clicking a bit, Mrs. Abbleton says "Yes I can probably arrange something with Los Angeles City College. If I could contact this Laura that would be good."
And that's when I remembered I probably should tell Laura I'm going to be living with her.
"Can I contact her first? To let her know I've made my decision." I say sheepishly.
"Quickly." Mrs. Abbleton says in a bored tone and goes back to typing on her computer.
I really hope Laura hasn't changed her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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