Maya the Bee: Maya and The Nightmare

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It was a beautiful starry night. All was peaceful in the meadow. All the bugs and critters were sleeping soundly.

All except Maya.

Maya was sleeping in a flower. But unlike the others, she wasn't sleeping soundly. She was tossing and turning, and mumbling in her sleep.

Meanwhile, Flip was sleeping on a leaf nearby. He always made sure to sleep not far from Maya every night, in case something were to happen.

Suddenly, Flip heard a high pitched scream.


Flip immediately jolted awake.

"Aaah! Who, huh, what? Wait a minute, that sounds like Maya! I'm coming Maya!"

Flip bounced high in the air over to the flower. It was rather large. When he landed, he saw Maya squirming about.


Flip began shaking Maya

"Maya Maya wake up! You're having a bad dream!" he called

Maya shot awake, breathing heavily with tears in her eyes.

"F-Flip?" she asked

"Yes Maya, it's me."

Maya began crying. Flip pulled her into his chest.

"Shhh shhh, it's ok my dear. It was only a bad dream. You're safe now, don't be afraid."

Flip didn't know how long he sat in that flower as Maya kept hugging him and crying. And he didn't mind. He just sat there, using both his bottom arms to hug her, and using his top right hand to rub her hair.

Eventually, the crying ceased, and now she was just whimpering.

"Would you mind telling me what you dreamt about?" asked Flip

Maya wiped her nose with her arm.

"Well, me and Willy were flying and playing in the meadow, when all of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, a fire started, and soon the whole meadow caught fire! Willy then got tired and fell, and I couldn't catch him!"

Flip was shocked.

"But then, I started to get tired. I tried to reach a tree, but, but..."

"It's ok Maya. You can tell me."

"Y-You were in the tree on a leaf. I tried to reach out to you for you to catch me, but, you looked...evil! You were smiling, then said 'bye bye Maya' and let me fall!"

Maya began crying again.

Flip was even more shocked. How could such a young bee dream something like that? Flip stroked the back of Maya's head.

"Oh don't cry Maya, it's alright. You know I would never do such a thing!"

"I know, but I'm still scared. Oh Flip, it was awful!"

"Well like I said, it's alright now."

"Yes, I know. But now I'm scared it's going to happen!" said Maya

"Don't worry Maya, I'll always be there for you. I'd never abandon you, I promise. Tell you what? Why don't I sleep with you in this flower tonight? It certainly is big enough."

"You mean it? You'd really do that?" asked Maya

"Of course I mean it! You're my friend, and good friends make each other feel loved and safe."

Maya gives Flip a big hug.

"I love you Flip!" she says

Flip smiles.

"I love you too Maya."

Flip was lying down, with his top set of arms behind his head, and his bottom left arm around Maya, who was holding onto him. Flip's bottom right arm was on his stomach.

"Flip?" asked Maya

"Yes my dear, what is it?"

"Why do people have bad dreams?"

"Well, sometimes when people sleep, they think about everything they did that day. And sometimes, well, something scary creeps in I suppose. But don't you worry. Bad dreams never actually happen in real life."

"Oh, really?"

"Why yes of course!"

"Oh, that's good then. *yawn* I really wouldn't want them to."

Flip noticed Maya's eyes were getting heavier and heavier.

"Are you getting sleepy Maya?" he asked

"What? Of course *yawn* not! I've tons of *yawn* energy!"

"Oh really now? Well, if you say so. But would you like me to sing you a song?"

"Well, I suppose if you'd like."


Flip began to sing:

Lullaby and good night,
With pink roses bedight,
With lilies o'er spread
Is Maya's sweet head.
Maya lay down, now and rest,
May your slumber be blessed.
Maya lay down, now and rest,
May your slumber be blessed.

Maya drifted off to sleep.

"I knew that would do it." said Flip

Flip watched the little bee as she slept. As he did, he wondered how this sleeping child could be the same little, cheeky, and clever bee everyone knew.

But as they both layed there, he knew they were both alright. Almost as soon as he met her, he knew then and there that he would always be there for her, no matter what. Not as a father per say, more a friend she could turn to if she needed help. Or at least, a friend smarter than Willy.

Flip took a petal from inside the flower, and covered them both with it.

"Don't be scared Maya. I'll always be there for you." he said

Flip put his hat over his eyes, and drifted off to sleep himself.

The End

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