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There is a unique feeling that one gets when they are being watched. Aielle was three hours into her trial. The spot of skin between her shoulder blades had been tingling the entire time. Six pairs of eyes followed her every move, every breath…willing her to fail. At least that’s what it felt like. 

Each witch apprentice had three spells within their trial. They had to successfully complete each one of them before they were considered to be an “official” apprentice. Aielle had to not only complete each spell, but do it exceptionally in order to keep her spot with Mathair. She had already completed the first two spells. Number one had been a simple fertility spell. She had adapted it to work for both crops and reproductive uses. Spell number two was a honesty spell. This one was trickier. She had to make sure that it was able to be wielded by the user for however long they needed. This meant she had to write out multiple incantations to fit many different circumstances. She felt confident in her performance.

Now, she was facing her toughest segment. The only directions were to create a spell that used love for a purpose other than its design. This was tricky indeed. She had to not only complete the spell, but outperform the other witches. What was against love’s design? To answer that she needed to make a mental list of what love was. Patient. Kind. Not envious or boastful. Humble. Not dishonoring or self seeking. Not easily angered. Grudgeless. This was going to be difficult.

Think Aielle. What went against all of this? How could she utilize Cupid’s arrow? Wait. Arrow. What if she could weaponize love? Oh, that would be something unheard of. Surely she would score higher than the other witches then! How could she do it? There weren’t any spells that used love in that form. 

“Sometimes the simplest spells are the most powerful.” 

Of course! Mathair had shared that piece of wisdom with all of the witches on day one. She could use a simple love spell and change the incantation slightly. To use love as a weapon. She thought of the first love spell she had ever learned. 

Light of my life
Love of my heart
Hold tight
We will never part
Tighten the bind
Tie the knot
Light of life
This love we’ve got
We will be connect
Let none destroy 
With these words 
And by my voice

Such a simple spell, used often in marriage. But what if she changed the words slightly?

Light of life
Heart of heart
Open wide
And tear apart
Cut the bind
Loose the knot
Night of night
Love it's not
What once connected
Now destroys
With these words 
And by my voice

Glory be to the gods…it was beautiful. But would it work? They had to test out each of their spells, but this required that she have someone ready to use it on and she had no idea what it would do. 

“The allocated time has run out! Please line up in front of the Council.”

Aielle joined the twelve other hopefuls. How were they going to test these spells? Love spells required two people. Did they have volunteers? Who would volunteer to have their love used against its design? She had more questions than answers. 

Mathair stood in front of the group. 

“I’m sure you’re wondering how you will test your spells. King Vier has sent us thirteen couples with which we have permission to test your spells on. If your spell is successful, their love bind will be severed. They are aware of this. If your spell is not successful, they will be allowed to leave, bind intact. However, you will fail and will be sent home. Disgraced. If they or you choose to not test your spell, they will go back to Mead and face the King. You will be sent home. Disgraced. Each of these couples have death sentences for various reasons which will not be divulged. Know that you are not doing them a favor by not participating. Now, we will proceed.” 

Aielle walked over to her pair. The couple was young. Their faces were lined, likely with stress. Their mouths were set to hard lines. If Aielle didn’t know better, she’d say that they were resigned to their fate. To be apart from each other forever. Knowing they loved once, but lacking the emotion or attachment. It was cruel really, but Aielle didn’t have the luxury to dwell on the unfairness of it all. 

“We do not hold any ill will toward you, regardless of how this turns out.”

The man’s words took her by surprise. Such bravery. She did not respond. Mathair was likely watching and she didn’t want to let her down. Instead, she began to speak the incantation. Please let this work. 

“Light of life
Heart of heart
Open wide
And tear apart
Cut the bind
Loose the knot
Night of night
Love it's not
What once connected
Now destroys
With these words 
And by my voice.”

And work it did.

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