Part 4

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So when I woke up the morning of the first day of school, I was freaking out at the fact that we were going to a frigging wizardry school. I woke up, not knowing what the heck to wear to a school of wizardry, ate, and went to school. Mom had already talked to our headmaster the week before (without telling us, I might add) and told my brother and I that she had ordered our uniforms and that they were due within the week.  

Great, I heard David think We get to be the non-uniformed freaks for a week.  I caught his eye and nodded. I didn’t feel any better about this then he did.

So as we entered the school, you can see why we were nervous. We walked side-by-side, trying not to lose each other. As we walked past uniform-clad students, there were numerous whispers about the new students. But not only did we see students; to the surprise of my brother and I, as we walked past a classroom, we saw what I presumed was a fairy getting together lesson plans for the day ahead. But as we passed, her faze followed us too.

Geez, you would think that a fairy would be the major point of stares. We stick out like a sore thumb, David thought to me. I nodded; this was going to be a long day. We finally walked far enough that we found the office. We entered, taking in the smell of the various perfumes and incenses that were being burnt. The secretary’s desk was a beautiful mahogany desk, with silver detailing laced into it. As we walked up to her, the nametag said Mrs. Potter. David and I saw this and exchanged a smile. Finally, I gained up enough courage for the both of us and spoke.

“Um..excuse me.” I said.

The secretary looked up from her work, and she had a warm smile on her face. With her snow white hair, and her dark brown eyes, she reminded me of my grandmother, if my grandmother wore strands of pearls and deep green robes.

“Ello’ kids. Ow’ can I help you?” she said with a thick English accent.

“We’re new here. I’m Hayley Turner, and this is my brother David.” I said, with a hint of nervousness in my voice, David squeezed my hand for support, and I looked at him gratefully.

“Oh yes. Headmaster Pippin wishes to see you immediately. I will show you too his office, follow me, dearies.” she said getting up. I noticed when she got up that she used a bejeweled cane. We followed the frail secretary down a hallway that had the school colors to decorate it. As we were, David nudged my shoulder and thought I wonder if she’s Harry Potter’s long lost grandmother. I snorted and shrugged, but then David stopped abruptly, clutching my shoulders so I wouldn’t ram into Mrs. Potter. Then I noticed that she was looking back at me.

“Oi, are you a telepath, dearie?” she said inquisitively with her eyes on me.

“Y-yes ma’am,” I said, stuttering, “How do you know that?”

Then I heard her voice, but no words were spoken, Because I am a telepath too, dearie. she said.

All I could do was gape at her, and David just looked back and forth between Mrs. Potter and I for a minute. But then she started walking again, David pulled me along with him.

We finally reached a door that was as grand as the school itself. It had that same mahogany wood that the secretary’s desk used. As we stopped, Mrs. Potter did something with her cane. As I watched, it had separated, the top of her cane becoming a wand. David and I looked at each other as she tapped the wood in a kind of pattern, and then the doors swung open abruptly. David and I knew this was where we left our new friend for right now. We nodded at her, and started to make our way inside.

“For the record dearies, Harry Potter is my nephew, not my grandson.” Mrs. Potter said, we looked back at her, and she winked. The door closed on us, and we turned to face that grandeur of the headmaster’s office.

If we thought that the school itself was beautiful enough, as we walked further into the headmaster’s office, we saw all types of objects and oddities. I could’ve sworn I saw a mini mermaid in a fish tank of the headmaster’s and it was singing. David and I hurried further along. We finally made it fully into the headmaster’s office and it was as amazing as you could possibly imagine. It was painted in a deep green color, with the ceiling painted as if the sky itself was in this room, there was a rich redwood desk in the center of the circular room, on top of which what I presumed was a barn owl perched on a stand. Sitting in the chair was a man that, as we walked in, was so powerful it emanated through my very being. He was very tall, even while he’s sitting down, his hair a deep red color and his eyes the color of steel, with laugh lines clearly visible. As we stopped at the stoop before his desk, he spoke in a deep, booming baritone voice.

“Ah, Hayley and David Turner. I have heard many great things about you too. I am Headmaster Pippin. Welcome to Penbrook Academy!” he said, smiling at us.

“Th-thank you sir.” said David, the first thing he has said aloud since we got to school. Headmaster Pippin looked at David, his smile still firmly in place, and David turned a very interesting shade of red.

“I trust you will find everything to your liking. I presume you two need your schedules, yes?” David and I nodded absentmindedly. Headmaster waved his hand and not only our schedules appeared before us, but also our books.

“Woah.” the two of us said in unison.

“Quite right. Now, you two haven’t received your wands yet. Later on today, while everyone is as study hall, you two will make your way to Professor Meriweather’s office. She’s not only our Charms teacher, she is quite the skilled wandmaker as well. She will help you with finding wands suited best to each of you. You both are excused for being a little late, however, we must not dawdle, so off you go children.” he said with his warm smile. David and I took our books and hurriedly made our way through the office and back out into the school.


Hello everyone! 

I know this isn't a fan fiction, but I would really like to get some more reads on these chapters :( i hope it isn't too bad!

Like i say with my other chapters, vote on my pages, comment, fan me, wave your magic wand, something!! I appreciate any and all comments.

Have a great night everyone! :)


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