Part 5

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David and I smiled at Mrs. Potter on our way out of the office; and made our way to the huge map that hung outside of the office. David had something on his mind, but he wasn’t allowing me to see it beforehand.

“Do you think we’ll be okay here? I mean, I know I’m not the one with the powers and everything, but I’m wondering about you. Do you think we are going to be okay here?” he said, looking at me curiously. I looked at him for a second, really looking at him. He had those big brown eyes that made you want to tell him anything he wants, and he was turning 14 tomorrow.

“You know what bud? I think we will be okay here. I have a good feeling about this school.” I said reassuringly to him.

He smiled, and gave me a swift nod as he headed off in the other direction to his first class. I watched him go, and as I looked around, I remembered that I had a class to get to myself. So I took another quick look at the map, finding my first professor’s room, and bolted. As I ran, I really looked at everything around, and heard more chatter in my head then I had heard ever before. How do telepath’s do it? I thought to myself.

Just as I ran around a corner, I ran into a tall and, what I presumed was, muscular, figure and landed smack butt on the floor. 

“Oh yeah, you made me a telepath, but you couldn’t give me better coordination?” I said looking at the sky.

“I beg your pardon? I‘m terribly sorry.” said the figure. Oops, I thought to myself, not realizing that I had spoke out loud.

“It’s fine really.” I said, as I got up, dusting myself off. As I looked up at the person I bumped into, I saw the black hair, the olive skin, the emerald green eyes; It’s him! I said in my mind. It was the guy I had saw in the street yesterday. I should have known he would go to this school.

“I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Jonah, and you are?” he said, in a crisp British accent that sounded not unlike Harry Potter himself.

“Hayley. My name’s Hayley.” I said. My palms were sweating, and my stomach was doing somersaults, God, what was wrong with me?

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. You know, you should really watch where you’re going. Where are you going by the way?” he said inquisitively.

“Umm..uh. History and Legends with Professor Twinkle.”

Jonah kept staring at me for a minute, which had started to creep me out after a minute.

“What are you staring at?” I said inquisitively.

“Nothing, it’s just you look oddly familiar. I have no idea where.” he said, lost in thought.

“So, I was saying about Professor Twinkle….”

“Ah yes, I was getting a few extra textbooks for him and then heading back. I guess I’ll see you there.” he said, with a twinkle in his eye.

“Yeah, see you there.” I said, turning my back to him, making swift pace down the hall.

What is wrong with me? I thought to myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

For the next few hours, I went around, avoiding Jonah. It seemed as if I couldn’t avoid him, he was in more then half of my morning classes. Each one, he motioned toward me to sit with him, but unsure of how to react, I took chairs in the front each and every period. Each teacher made me either introduce myself, or they announced that I was in their class, it was really weird. I was used to the introductions; because my parents moved my brother and I around for a little while from when I was eleven to about fourteen. But what I thought was especially weird was the way each teacher looked at me, as if I was their salvation shining bright.

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