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"Come on Karl, you have to at least show up." Sapnap begged. "You need to let loose sometimes."

Karl listened to his friend whine over a discord vc about some party.
"Why would I want to come?"
"Because it will be fun. You don't even have to drink if you don't feel comfortable Karl. I'll be there with you and I won't leave your side unless you ask for space. Come on~"

Karl rolled his eyes and scoffed
"Okay fine."

Sapnap jumped up out of his chair and Karl watched.
"Now what should I wear?" Karl asked.

Sapnap shrugged
"You'll look hot no matter what. Just don't wear a hoodie and jeans. Be creative. No one's there to judge."

That sparked something in Karls mind, giving him the perfect idea as to what he should wear.
"I'm gonna go Sap, bye!" He waved at the camera before handing up, and running to his wardrobe. He grabbed the clothing he wanted to wear before heading into the bathroom to have a shower. As he entered the room Sapnap text him.
"I'll pick you up in 20"

Karl sent a thumbs up emoji before stripping, and taking a hot shower. He was absolutely excited about wearing the outfit, especially to see what his best friend has to say about it.

He carefully put each item on clothing on and he looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled to himself as he heard Sapnaps cars horn.

Karl grabbed his phone and he was on his way.
He walked down the stairs and out the front door, where Sapnap was waiting in the driveway. The green eyed man was staring at Karl the entire time, definitely not expecting him to wear something that.. hot.

"Hey sap!" He said cheerfully as he opened the front car seat and sat shot gun.
"Hey Karl.. nice outfit.." Sapnap said looking the boy up and down.
Karl smiled at the teen
"Thank you."

He wore a black skirt that traveled only a small way down his thighs that were covered by fishnets. On his top half he wore a cropped black jumper with a white collar.

As Sapnap began to drive, he watched as Karls leg bounced up and down in anticipation. Sapnap placed his hand on the boys knee and it immediately stopped bouncing.
"There's nothing to worry about Karl"

The two looked each other directly in their eyes, and Karl smiled. The green eyed man diverted his eyes back to the road, and his hand slipped further up Karls thigh. Neither objected.

As the two pulled up to the party house, Sapnap pulled his hand off of the boys thigh and cleared his throat awkwardly.
"We're here." He said, unbuckling his seatbelt. Karl copied and they got out the car and walked into the house side by side.

The second they walked in, Sapnaps football friends surrounded them, shoving alcoholic beverages into their hands. Both Sapnap and Karl took a shot each, easily. The fellow footballers whistled and praised both of them.

Karl got a few compliments from the boys surrounding him and he felt more comfortable in the outfit. Maybe it was just the alcohol but either way he felt extremely confident. He took another shot and tapped Sapnap on the shoulder.
"I'm just going to go dance."

Sapnap nodded and looked the boy up and down as he walked away.
"Is tonight the night?" Is the last thing Karl heard from Sapnaps group before he began swaying his hips to the sound of the music.

He felt every time he arched his back, his skirt trailed further up his thighs up to the bottom of his ass which was covered by fishnets.

Karl danced, completely forgot about his friend in which he was trying to impress, until he felt a strong pair of hands on his waist and he felt a rush of fear race through his body. He thought this was it. This was when he was going to have to feel uncomfortable with some guy who is touching him without consent and has made him feel unsafe.

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