15 | Alcohol effect

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Your POV
My heart was beating unbelievably fast. I understand I just drank some alcohol but it shouldn't be this bad. The pounding sensation rippled through my body.

"I-I think I'll go to bed now..." I pushed myself off the couch before stumbling on my feet and Nat caught me.

"I'll bring you back to bed." I could hardly breathe properly as Nat carried me to my room. I didn't have the energy to refuse and stop her.

"That's why you shouldn't have drunk my cocktail. I'll go get you some water. Wait here." She set me on my bed and I rolled over clutching my chest as I felt myself burning. I let out a scream that I couldn't control and I could feel steam coming out of my body at the end of it. Thankfully, the music at the party was still blasting so Nat couldn't hear it.

I looked at myself and found myself back in my old body?!

I hurried out of the current room and back into my old room to find a change of clothes. How did this happen? Why am I back in my old body? I need to get to Hailey to find out what's going on.

I opened the door and Natasha was standing right in front of me. "Y/N?" What a bad timing...

"H-hi?" I raised my hand to wave awkwardly.

"Where have you been?" The concern in her voice makes my heart ache that I can't tell her the truth.

"Ahh.. on a mission."

"But Fury didn't send you on any."

"Personal mission. Nothing to do with SHIELD or the Avengers."

Silence enveloped us as neither of us spoke. There were so many things I wanted to say to her but being the coward that I am, I chose to hide those feelings away especially being in the current situation.

I just wanted her to be mine but I am not capable of doing that right now, I'm unstable. I'm not capable of giving her the future she deserves.

Second POV
All those anger that Nat felt when you disappeared on her vanished the instant she saw you standing in front of her. All the remarks of beating you, hitting you evaporated, when she saw you safe, in front of her.

"I- I got to go." You disclosed, not knowing how long your body would stay up. You can't risk changing in front of her.

You went to step past her but she grabbed your biceps and pulled you back in front of her. "Do you have to go so quickly?"

"Natasha... argh" The sensation you felt earlier returned but this time the situation was more dire with Nat next to you.

Seeing you in pain all of a sudden, crumbling to your knees and unable to respond to any of her questions, Nat rushed to get Bruce even though he may have drunk a couple of glasses. There was no one else she would trust to help you.

Using this window of time Nat had left you alone, you struggled back to your new room just in time before changing back to your small body.

You were left on the ground with clothes that were way too big for you. You rushed to pull the sleeves up and make an attempt to put them back in your old closet but Nat opened the door with Bruce behind her making you jump.

"Allie! Did you see a woman walking past here earlier?" Natasha said anxiously.

"No. I thought I heard your voice so I went to find you but I saw the clothes on the floor so I decided to wear it since I was sweating a lot."

"Damn it! She got away again."

"Was it Y/N?" You put on your innocent face and asked. Nat didn't answer your question and asked Bruce to check on you since he was already here. She was afraid you would be dehydrated from the alcohol.


The next day you immediately went to Bill's house with Hailey after school. You explained to  her all about the incident that happened yesterday. Grabbing a bottle of alcohol from Bill's shelf, you went to drink a couple mouthfuls of it, trying to prove to her your point.

"I'm telling you... I really did change..." You slurred on your words as you took another sip and hiccupped.

"Perhaps the chemical compound of alcohol is part of it." Hailey said but you were already drunk with the alcohol intake. You passed out on the couch with the bottle opened on the table.

"Oh my god... What happened here?" Bill said when he went down the basement.

You were spread across the couch and Hailey was shaking her head at your actions. "Looks like it failed this time." There was no sign of you changing as nothing can wake you up right now. "I try to include alcohol compound in the prototype."

Bill wasn't sure if he wanted to send you back to the compound in this state and risked having to explain or call on your behalf claiming that you were going to stay over at his place tonight. Furthermore, you were still supposed to go to school tomorrow.

He just took a spare blanket to drape it over your body as the weather gets colder and placed a pillow under your neck.


"Allie! Are you alright?" Mitch asked when you walked into the classroom stumbling on your steps, knocking into other classmate's table as you made your way to the back.

"I'm alright..." You said with a splitting headache. You couldn't possibly tell them you were having a hangover because you tried to drink vodka to get back to your old body as Hailey watched your silly antics.

She even kept a video of you saying it was for research purposes. She sure was having fun using you as the guinea pig.

"If you're sick, you should go to the nurse's office." Mitch said in concern. He was the smartest out of the group of friends you made in this school.

"Thanks Mitch, but I'm really fine." You patted his shoulders and both of you went to your respective seats. His was not far, just diagonally behind you.

"That's not what you said when you left the house earlier." Earning a remark from your table mate.

"Oh shut up."

Soon, the teacher came into the classroom, and everyone scrambled to their seats as the teacher started her lesson.

Posted on 24 April 2022

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