Chapter 3

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At school, Ella noticed that all the girls were going around in there own little groups. So she walked into the bathroom, and went in one of the stalls, she had another look through the pages and found a popularity chapter, there were lots of things on just what to do to become popular. But then she saw a chant.. she really wanted to have the art girls come to her again. So she filled her mind with thoughts like that, like the way she was thinking about her art project the last time she said a chant and the girls came over for a movie night! So she said the chant;

Be strong and don't lose hope,
For your coolness is as slippy as soap,
So read this chant with pride for,
Yourself and open a brand new door
Now you can be cool and calm with your friends,
Because these friendships will never come to ends.

Ella thought this one was EXTREMELY cringed (cringy,cringe). But it would all be worth it. This time it happened much faster than it had the other time. She walked out of the bathroom and all the art girls were there waiting for her. They all walked to their classes together and talked about the night before and the funny scenes. After school, everyone went over to Ella's house and they helped eachother with their homework and took a Bff picture.

Ella wanted to use the chants more than ever now! The next day in school, she said the same chant... Nothing. She said it again.... Nothing. 'What was Happening!!' she thought to herself! So she did another one that she hadn't used yet.. Nothing...Actually, now that she thought about it, All the girls from art were in their classes! But they would all be drawn to her.. Ella didn't understand.. 'Why wasn't it working!' Ella thought to herself. The only thing to do, was to ask them what was going on maybe they knew more then they were letting on..

Ella walked over to them after school and asked them did they know what was going on... They had guilt written all over their faces and Kathryn ( who was really good at art and kind of the queen of art class ) started to say what was going on "So basically your mum texted us and asked us to come over, because she said she saw you come in with a 'Bff book' and felt extremely bad for making you move halfway through Ireland. So we came over to spend only like 5 minutes with you, but honestly and truly we had a lot of fun and that's why we stayed till' midnight. And that time you went into the bathroom to say a chant or a poem whatever it was you were saying.. Jaquelin heard you saying it and texted us to come outside the bathroom because we didn't want you to be disappointed..". Ella felt really embarrassed that her mum sent girls over to be "fake" friends for a few minutes, but she was glad that they had fun with her for real and it wasn't because of a real spell or her mum telling them to have fun with her.

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