Your having a Bad Day Preference

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Liv- You just got back from home from what it seems like, your fifth job rejection instead of returning your friend's calls, you decide to go to your room with two guys Ben and Jerry. Out of now where Liv comes and comforts you and stays the night. To make you feel better, she eats the brains of a comedian to make you feel better. As you began to fall asleep you can't help but smile, wondering how you ended up with someone like Liv.

Major - Going to meet up with Major at a fancy restaurant for your guy's first anniversary, you clutch the paper that contains your test results from a catscan you took last week. You wonder how you're going to tell Major. All sorts of stuff are running through your head. When you get to the restaurant, you spot Major already sitting down. As you make your way over, you notice that he is nervous as well. When he spots you, he stands up and greets you with open arms and a kiss. Taking your seats, you guys order your food and decide to talk until your food arrives. He gets down on one knee with a ring. You start to tear and tell him about your cancer diagnosis. He cares and that your cancer diagnosis itsnt going to change things between you two. You accept the marriage proposal.

Blaine - After getting the news that your father wouldn't talk to you after becoming a zombie, you turn to the only person who would understand you more than anyone. When you make it to Blaine's apartment, you knock on the door. When Blaine opens the door, he is happy to see you but his face changes when he sees that you are unhappy. He lets you in his apartment and you tell him about your father and how he disowned you. Not wanting to see you, Blaine sits next to you and comforts you. Telling you that everything is going to be alright and that he would never leave you as you are the reason for him to live. That night you two end up having passionate sex that would deepen the connection you two have.

Ravi - It's the day after exams and you are waiting for the test scores to be posted. You decide to go across the street to the diner and get something to eat. Once you have finished your meal, you head back to the school and see that the test scores have been posted. When you check, there's a crowd standing close to together trying to look at something. You make your way over and when you get to the front, you look for your name. You come across your name and realize that you didn't do as well as you hope. You head to the morgue and find Ravi there. He as you what's wrong and you can't bring yourself to tell him so you hug him and start crying. He consoles you and rub your back and tell you that whatever it is, you going to get through it.

Clive - You are sitting in your car after a negotiation has gone bad. When you two get back to the office, you lock your office door and close your blinds, not wanting to be bothered. Suddenly you bear a knock on your office door and don't bother to answer it. Clive tells you that everything's going to be alright.

Peyton - Peyton has gotten back from D.C. and you two meet up for lunch. When she arrives, you hide the fact that anything is wrong. Throughout your lunch, everything is going fine, and when she asks you what's wrong, you break down and tell her that you and your significant other broke up due to his infidelity. She doesn't say anything besides getting up and hugs you.

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