Snake Trap.

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Blitz parks the I.M.P van outside a worn down medium sized warehouse, Stolas and tallish imp stood outside, Stolas notices then waves to them as Blitz and the team exit the van.

"Blitzy! Ohh I am so glad you came so soon!"

Stolas chirps pleased with a happy smile bouncing like a school child, Moxxie looks from the new imp then to Stolas.

"Sir what's going on? you have been very vague about this job"

Moxxie says making air quotes when saying job  knowing they didn't kill people in hell ever. Blitz places his keys in his pocket with a pleased grin looking to the smaller.

"That's because it's a surprise Mox, stop being a nosey bitch for once"

Blitz says messing up Moxxie's hair and walks to Stolas the truth was it sounded too good to be true to Blitz, so he wanted to see for himself before saying much.

"Dylan this is my Blitzy and his little workers"

Stolas says pleased the tall imp beside Stolas looks between Stolas and Blitz surprised how Stolas spoke about the I.M.P boss, Loona raises an eyebrow at the small comment.

"Blitzy this is Dylan, he and his two friends acquired our guest"

Stolas says pleased Dylan nods his head in recognition, Blitz offers his hand which Dylan takes and shakes.

"Pleasure to finally meet ya Blitz heard alot about you and your company, hard target to track surprised when I caught up to them"

Dylan states putting his hands back in his jacket after they shake, Moxxie raises an eyebrow and Millie looks to Stolas who looked like he was going to burst from excitement.


Moxxie asks confused and Stolas goes to the door with a swish of his tail.

"I thought you would never ask"

Stolas almost sings making Dylan chuckle at how pleased his client was, Stolas opens the large door which slides open on rails revealing the inside. The warehouse was full of crates in the middle of the room was a stainless steel table that wasn't empty. The whole I.M.P jaws open seeing an all to familiar figure upon it and Blitz grins.

"Oh crumbs, is that?"

Moxxie asks in disbelief and slight fear seeing the all too familiar figure.


Blitz chuckles darkly as they walk in towards the table, an imp was sat on a crate nearby wrapping his torso with a bandages.

"Your friend here is a good scrapper, did alot of damage but I guess that ain't that surprising to ya"

Dylan says looking to Blitz who nods looking over the imp bound to the table, their hands and feet are tied down one to each corner tight enough to make their pail skin red.

"Any trouble Parry?"

Dylan asks the imp on the crate who shakes his head.

"Nah, the bitch has given it a rest"

Parry says and loud buzz comes from the tail of the tied up imp, Blitz looks to the tail which was tied to a tire placed under the table. The black rings from the base of the tail and the black and red spines were unmistakable.

"Though the prince's money is a very generous offer I was wondering if you have any spots open in I.M.P? Parry and his bother are going back to shift work in the city and I fancy a change"

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