Open Road.

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Stella stood in the hot wrath sun a laced umbrella protecting her from its heat her eyes cast down in sadness and guilt. A portal opens just a little way from her and a small group of imps, Stolas and Blitz step out the portal snapping shut behind them. A female imp stands Stella sighs softly as Christina's mother stalks to them anger in her eyes

"You ain't welcome here!"

Mel snap at them then glares at Blitz specifically.

"Especially you"

Mel hisses at Blitz who looks back to her trying to keep himself from lashing out at her.

"I didn't know, I thought it was Striker"

He says softly and she sneers

"And I would have thankyou for that...but it wasn't was it?"

Mel says defeated as a male imp stands looking irritated Blitz recognised him as the imp who helped Striker and Christina before.

"Enough... It's done"

He says a small imp was curled up in his arms looking at them all with scared eyes held slight fear making Stolas feel terrible seeing the small imp boy.

"We mean no harm only respect, I also wish to speak to you both but it can wait"

Stolas says carefully Jason takes Mel's hand and leads her back to sit where she had been before, Stolas stands beside Stella Blitz standing by his side crossing his arms.

"I never expected you two to be here"

Stella says softly and Stolas crosses his arms taking a deep breath watching the imp couple in front morn their losses.

"Octavia misses you, after all that has happened..."

Stolas says his breath hitching seeing the young imp boy peaking over his grandfather's shoulder his ringed eyes looking over them, Stella gives the boy a small smile and wave making the boy smile.

"I wish to move forward with no more violence between us for our daughters sake"

Stolas says and Stella nods then looks to Stolas with a serious look.

"You need to give me some time before I see Octavia, I will taking on the boy as my ward"

Stella says calmly Stolas looked at her surprised as does Blitz.


Blitz asks honestly and for once in his life Stella looks him in the eyes.

"I owe that boys parents a dept I can never repay, I owe him a good life"

Stella says and Blitz nods surprised by her.


Stella leans her chin in her palm watching landscape passing them by she looks down seeing the tiny imp also watching the land around them.

"Where we goin?"

He asks looking to Stella and she smiles patting down some of his soft white hair. As the car slows to a halt the boy looks out the window confused seeing as they were in the middle of nowhere. Stella opens the door lifting the boy up and stepping out the car. Axel feels nervous his eyes was drawn to a nearby tree seeing the shadows of two horses and two imps.

"Go on now"

Stella says giving the boy a quick peck on the cheek before placing Axel down, the boy steps forward but hesitates until one figure steps out the shade of the tree. The light of the Wrath highlighting the imps face with there soft features.

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