Chapter 12

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Zach P.O.V
I woke up and pain struck my head and I groaned in pain.
I looked around to see that I was at home.
I looked next to me, not seeing Bella next to me.
I got confused and got up throughout the pain.
I went all over the house and I couldn't find her.
I got so worried. The last thing I remember from last night is taking my 5th shot.
Oh god what if something happened to her?! Jacob was with her maybe he knows.
I quickly got dressed, ignoring the pain in my head and then drove off to Jacob's house.
When I got there, I jogged up to the front door and knocked on door.
Jacob answered and gave me a dirty look.
"Where is Be-"
I looked behind him, seeing Bella sleeping on the couch.
"Zach it not what it looks like."
"Oh really? Cause I see my girlfriend sleeping on your couch. Did you do it with her?"
"Dude, I'm not a man whore. And technically, you're not dating her anymore."
"What do you mean?"
He closed the door so we were both outside.
"Last night you called her a whore when she wanted to take you home because you were drunk. You called her a bitch, whore, and slut. You said why would you ever date her and broke up with her. After that you pushed her and she tripped and hit her stomach on the side of the table," he said, me picturing what I did to her, "I went to her and helped her. She said that she didn't want to go to your house so I took her here. Dude, she was so scared. When I went to get Jake to take you home, I saw you hit, slap, and kick her."
"Oh my god. Dude, I didn't mean that."
"I know but still. She's so afraid. She got bruises."
"Can we just check on her?"
He nodded his head and we went back inside, seeing Bella waking up, fluttering her beautiful eyes.
Our eyes locked up and her hazel eyes became big with fear.
"It's ok Bella. He's not going to hurt you. He just wants to talk to you." Jacob said.
She nodded her head and Jacob went in the room.
"Hey Bella." I said.
I went to go to her and she started to back up, but I said, "Don't worry. I won't hurt you."
She seemed to relax so I grabbed a chair and sat in front of the couch since she was laying down.
"Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I did and what I said. I just got drunk."
"But, y-you made me scared. Petrified even. I didn't know what to do. You hurt me badly-"
"Where did I hurt you."
"Well as you can see, my face and my stomach-"
"I hurt you on your s-stomach?" I stuttered.
She nodded and I asked, "Can I see?"
She nodded again, lifting the blanket off her body, giving me permission to look at her stomach.
I lifted her tank top up and when I saw her stomach, I started to get tears in my blue eyes. I really did this to her?
Bella P.O.V
I saw his tears coming down his cheek, so I got up from the couch and wiped his tears with my thumb.
"Please don't cry." I said gently.
"I can't! I did this to you."
"It's not your fault Zach." I said as I put both my hands on the sides of his face.
"But, I-I did this to y-you."
"Baby, stop stuttering. You're okay. I'm okay."
"I can't!" He said as he put both his hands on his face, his elbows on his knees.
"Zach, please stop c-crying." I said, trying to blink away the tears. It hurts to see him cry like this.
He looked up and wiped away his tears.
"I'm so sorry Bella. I never meant to hurt you and break up with you. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. You were just drunk."
"Does that mean that we are still together?" He asked.
"Oh I knew it! You would never-"
I cut him off, hugging him.
"Zach," I said, still hugging him, "You know I still care for you. You just- I think we should be friends until everything goes okay."
He started to cry a bit more and I wiped his tears away again.
"Bella, please don't leave me."
"Zach, I'm never going to-"
"But-but you said-"
"Zach. Stop. I think we should just stay friends for a little bit."
He sighed and got up.
"Zach. Sit down."
"No, no, no. I can't stay in here anymore."
So I got up and went over him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wasn't looking at me so I said, "Zach, please."
He still didn't look so I had no other choice but kiss him on the lips. He immediately kissed back.
We pulled apart and he smiled his little cute smile.
"You know what?" I asked. "I can't live with out you. You're mine."
He smiled even wider and we hugged.
"So we are together?" He asked quietly.
"Yes babe."
We hugged again and he pressed his lips on mine.
When we pulled apart, I hugged him tighter.
"Well I see you guys made up." I heard Jacob saying.
"Ya." Zach said.
"Ok. Well Bella you're stuff is in my room. I gotta head out somewhere."
"Oh ok." I said.
Jacob left the house and I went upstairs to get my suitcase.
Zach carried it to his car for me.
We both sat down in the car and he drove to his place. And then I finally realized that I'm still in my yoga shorts and tank top. Great.
Zach P.O.V
"Is your, umm, stomach okay?" I asked.
"I think so. It kinda hurts when I sit and move around."
"Well, until you get better I'm going to treat you like a princess. Anything you need I'm there. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank you."
"No problem."
We sat in silence until we got home.
When we got home, she was about to get out, but I stopped her and said, "Stay. I'm going to put the stuff in the house and then I'll come and get you."
She nodded and looked down.
I quickly got her bags and put them quickly in our room and came running back to the car and helped her out. I didn't want to let her walk so I carried her bridal style and walked into the house and walked to the bedroom.
When we were on our way to the room, she spoke, saying, "Zach, you know you don't have to do all of this right? I can walk myself."
"I just don't want you to get hurt. I told you in the car I'm going to treat you like a beautiful princess because you deserve it."
"Thank you."
She lifted her head and kissed my cheek as I stepped into the room and put her on the bed gently.
She put her hands on the bed to support her and got up.
"Where you going?" I asked.
"I need to change into my pjs."
"Then I'm going to help you."
"I meant what I said Bella."
She nodded and I got her pj pants and asked her, "Do you want one of my big shirts?"
"Yes please." She said.
I went to my drawer and got one of my big shirts.
I helped her up and undressed her gently and carefully as possible.
I took off her tank top leaving her exposed with her bra.
I looked down and saw her stomach.
It's so heartbreaking that I did this to my girl. My girl.
I went down to pull her yoga shorts so I was basically on my knees.
Her hands were on my shoulders for support. I looked at her and then at her stomach.
Before I pulled down the shorts, I gently kisses her stomach multiple times.
I looked up at her and she smiled and stroked my hair.
I wanted to see her smile like that all day everyday.
I took down the shorts, leaving her only in her bra and underwear.
She's so beautiful.
I took her pj pants and helped her in them. Then I took my shirt and put it over her head and fixed it on herself to make her comfortable.
She smiled and said, "Thank you Zach."
"Anything for you."
I helped her to the bed and helped her lay down.
"You want food?" I asked her, hoping she would say yes, but I was wrong.
"No thank you. I'm fine. I'll eat later."
I nodded and changed into my pjs, which are shorts with no shirt.
I laid down next to her and looked up at the ceiling.
I saw her lay down on her side facing me in the corner of my eye.
She put her hand on my chest and touched my six pack.
I looked at her and she brought her hand and stroked my jawline with her fingertips.
All I thought about was could light her rich is on me, while I on the other hand put so much pressure on her.
I brought her closer to my chest and we just sat there.
I wrapped my arms around her waist protectively as her hands were on my back.
We were so close that I heard her heart beat.
It was beating so fast.
I wanted to stay like this forever, but I know it might not last as long as I want it to.
She's so beautiful. I love her so much. She's my world. She's my queen. My princess. My gold. She's my everything and I would do anything for her. I could buy anything she wants. I could carry the whole world in my hands just to impress her. I'm even going to stop getting so drunk and high just for her. At first I was just a player who would date any girl I wanted, but I would never kiss them. I would just hug them or kiss their cheeks, but never on the lips. But now I'm just a normal teenager who has fallen in love with the best girl in the entire world.
I gently kissed her forehead and I saw her smile. I'm so happy that she's happy. It makes my heart melt.
"I love you Bella."
There was silence at first but after a minute she said, "I love you more." And that kinda make my heart melt even more.
"Not possible."
She giggled and hugged me, making our bodies close out all the space in between us.
This is where I want to be. This is who I want to be with for the rest of my life. Bella Light is my girl and only my girl. I will cross oceans for her, go anywhere and anytime for this girl because she means everything to me.
Bella P.O.V
When we were laying down like this, I felt so loved. I love Zach with all my heart and to see him smile is like a gift from God. Anything that he does bad like last night, it makes me realize that I can't live with him because no one is perfect. But in my eyes, he is the most perfect and handsome guy I'll ever meet. He's so amazing and funny and lovely in so many different ways. One thing that I love about Zach is that he's really sweet. He just showed how sweet he was when he said that he's going to treat me like a princess. He might be over protective but with that I always know that he cares. Maybe a little too much though but that shows me that he loves me as much as I love him. He's the greatest guy I could ever know. I love him so much.
And as the moment of silence took upon us, we fell asleep.

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