Chaper 13

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Bella P.O.V
I woke up and a little pain struck my stomach as I stretched underneath the covers, gently watching out for Zach so I don't hit him.
I looked at the clock next to the bed and saw that it is 4:26 pm.
I didn't want to wake up Zach so I slowly got up from the bed and started to walk out of room, but my heart nearly jumped out of my chest as I heard Zach say, "Bella, I told you that you can't get up."
Shit. Busted!
"I was just going to get some food."
He immediately got up and grabbed me gently by my wrist and carried me bridal style to the bed again.
"I'll go get you food. What do you want to eat, Princess."
Princess... Oh goodness.
"Anything is fine with me."
"Pancakes in bed, then. I'll be back in a couple of minutes or so."
He walked out, but then came again, his head popping up from behind the door.
"Don't get up."
He left after that and I sighed in defeat. He's so crazy, but I love him. Oh well.
He came back after 12 minutes with a plate full of pancakes and berries on a tray. Next to the plate of pancakes was mango juice.
"Aww. Zach. Thanks babe."
"Anything for you baby."
He set the tray on my lap and I laughed, noticing something.
"Why are you laughing?" He asked curiously.
"There's like 10 pancakes. I can't eat all of this!"
"Are you serious? You should know me by now."
He grabbed something from behind him. Two forks.
I started to laugh even more as I grabbed a fork from his hand. He laughed along with me.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in."
I smiled and grabbed a piece of pancake in my mouth.
"Oh my god. This is delicious. Thank you baby."
"No need to thank me."
I smiled and grabbed a berry and said to Zach, "Open your mouth."
He did and I threw the berry in his mouth.
I laughed and put my hands up, saying, "Goal!"
"You're so cute." He said as he gently squeezed my cheeks then kissed them.
I blushed and continued to eat.
I rested my head on his shoulders.
Once we finished eating Zach grabbed the tray and put it aside the bed.
Once he settled back on the bed, I put my head on his chest.
Zach P.O.V
She put her head on my chest, probably listening to my fast heartbeats.
"Is your stomach okay?" I managed to get out of my mouth.
"It's better than before."
"Oh." I said, looking down.
"Zach," she said grabbing my face in her hands, "I'm fine. It's noting too complicated. Don't worry."
I didn't answer. I felt so horrible. It was complicated. Why did I have to get drunk? Ughhhh.
She surprised me by climbing on top of me, since I was laying down.
"Baby, please don't worry." She whispered.
I grabbed her face gently and stroked her cheek.
She leaned and we kissed. The kiss was slow but passionate.
When we pulled apart, she went to sit back at her place.
"You wanna do something today?" I asked her.
"Sure, but what?"
"Anything I guess."
"Let's go to... I really don't know."
"How about we go to this cliff that I used to go to?"
"Sure. Let me change." She was about to get up but I warned her, "Bella."
She sighed and sat back, "Sorry."
I got up and went to her side and helped her up.
I helped her to the closet so she could pick out her clothes.
She picked out her clothes (black tights, an oversized shirt, and a green jacket, black vans, and my gray beanie)
I dressed into jeans and a random shirt like always and helped her get dressed.
She brushed her hair and put it in a messy bun and we both left.
-20 minutes later-
We got to the cliff and we sat down on the grass, looking at the view.
She was happy and looking around the place.
"You know you're beautiful, right?" I asked her, more like a comment.
"I'm just... insecure... you should know that by now."
"But you always keep yourself down when you think that you are."
"I don't think that I am, I know that I am."
"But you have to notice how beautiful you are!"
"Well maybe I just don't want to! You don't know my past."
"Then tell me!"
"Why not?!"
"Because I said no!"
"Why are you acting like such a brat?" I murmured.
"Excuse me? What?"
"Me? Acting like a brat? Ok. Ok."
Oh shit.
Bella P.O.V
I got up causing him to get up as well.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" He yelled at me.
"Well certainly not with you!"
I took off his beanie and threw it at his chest. It fell of the ground and I walked off. As I passed his car I kicked it and walked somewhere that I can stay.
Why would he be so pissed off? I don't want to tell him what happened in London and I'm not sure that I'll tell him at all.
Ughhhh. Why does life have to get so complicated?!
Sometimes he could be so sweet and so caring and then BOOM! he asks like a complete jerk just because nothing went his way.
I was somewhere in a street. I was heading back home. MY HOME.
I can't stand life right now.
Why does everything have to go wrong when we have a peaceful time?!?!
As I was walking, my stomach was hurting me.
I walked through the pain.
I need to get home.
Zach P.O.V
I saw her walk past me and she left.
She left. She left. She left.
I'm such a fucking idiot.
I went on my knees and gabbed the beanie.
I put it close to me and it smelled like her since she wore it a lot.
Why did I have to be a fucking jerk.
I stood up and went to my car.
As I sat down, I put the beanie next to me. Where she is supposed to be.
I was driving around and I ended up at Bella's house.
I saw the door open.
She must of forgot to close it.
I parked my car and jogged to the open door.
I called her name out.
"BELLA?! Where are you?!"
I went around the house. At her room and bathroom and everything.
And when I entered the kitchen, one tear dropped down my cheek.
Oh no.
Bella P.O.V
As I was walking, the pain kept hurting me.
I finally got home and opened the door.
I went in the kitchen and grabbed a glass to drink water.
I filled it with water and drank a sip.
It made the pain worse.
I felt like the world was spinning.
My head was pounding and I felt like I couldn't breathe.
And then... I saw black, feeling myself fall.
Zach P.O.V
"Bella?" I said quietly.
I saw her. She's laying of the ground.
Why is glass surrounding her?!
I ran to her and held her close to me on my lap. She's bleeding on the side of her head. No.
She's breathing. Why isn't she waking up?!
"Bella, baby, please. Wake up!"
She wasn't.
I grabbed my phone, the blur in my eyes from my tears were blinding me.
I dialed 911.
"Hello. It's 911. What's your emergency?" A lady said.
"H-hello? Please h-help!"
"Sir. Please calm down. What's happening?"
"M-my girlfriend. She's not w-waking up but she's breathing."
"Okay. Sir, please calm down. What's your name and address?"
"7626 Greenwood Avenue. My name is Zach Gray."
"Okay. Zach, the ambulance is on their way."
"P-please hurry."
I hung up and held Bella closer to me.
"Bella. I don't want to loose you again." I whispered.
"I love you." I whispered.
That's the first time I told her that. And she's not awake.
The ambulance came through the open door and took her away from my hands.
One guy came to me and said, "You can follow us to the hospital."
I nodded, my tears still running down my face.
I got in the car and drove to the hospital.
-5 hours later-
I'm waiting in the waiting room. It's been 5 hours.
A nurse comes every once in a while to check up on me.
She came to me right now and bent down next to me, her hand resting on my shoulder.
"Zach, do you need a drink or something I could get you."
I shook my head no.
"You didn't eat ever since you came."
I shook my head again.
"Okay. I'll check on you later."
I gave her a gave weak smile and she left.
I stood up and went to the bathroom for one person in the waiting room.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
I looked horrible.
My eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, my cheeks were stained from the tears, and my hair was a mess from my hands running through it.
I got out and sat back down. I need to see her.
-30 minutes later-
The doctor came and called out, saying, "Bella Light's?"
I stood up and went to him.
"I'm sorry, but Bella..."


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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