chapter one- his alpha brown orbs

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it was a lonely cold afternoon. caiti walked alone down the concrete sidewalk, hoping that one day, she would find the right one for her. little did she know, that day was today. her young mind thought and thought until she bumped into someone.
      "oh, excuse me!" she said, as she looked into the 6'2 man's icy brown orbs. the man was.. s-s-s-s-shawn mendes?
"it's all good." the man said with a calm tone.
caiti gave the man a breathy laugh with quick wave and walked off.
      when she got home, she went straight to her room to tell her friends+enemy about this experience.
calling her arch nemesis, piso, she was very hyper and excited to share this with him.
      "what caiti? im about to go live."
"piso, you won't believe who i met today!!"
he could hear the happiness in her voice
"who was it?"
"shawn mendes!!!"
"oh em gee caiti really?"
"yeah, and he-"
"caiti, caiti? caiti, are you slash es ar es or slash jay?"
piso came to realize caiti's mic had broken, so he went on to start his stream.
      caiti lay awake that night wondering what her next move would be. she later decided that the next day, she would dm him and tell him who she was. she then fell asleep, and dreamt about shawny-poo.
i hope you guys are enjoying this story so far😫
this is actually my newest life hobby so yk
anyways, drink water, eat something, and until next time!

--------------------------------------MARS SPEAKS!!i hope you guys are enjoying this story so far😫this is actually my newest life hobby so ykanyways, drink water, eat something, and until next time! -mars<3

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caitibugzz x shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now