chapter 2- the dm

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waking up the next morning, caiti quickly grabbed her phone from her bedside table and opened instagram. she decided to message the one and only s-s-s-s-shawn mendes.

-hi! u might not remember me, we bumped into each other yesterday.
                                      -no I remember you!! caiti, is it? im shawn😁

-oh, hi shawn!

-so uh, about yesterday, im so sorry honestly

-no its all good, do u maybe wanna grab a coffee sometimes?

-yeah, that'd be nice:)


caiti smiled at her phone screen. she decided to tell her wonderful super amazing cool swaggy chat about her experience.
"chat!! hi chat! how is everyone today? im doing good, but you guys won't believe who i just met!! shawn mendes! i know, it's pretty hard to believe because i'm caiti and he's shawn, but we're getting coffee soon sooo"

her chat was filled with shock.

username1234 has gifted 5 subs!

"you guys are overreacting quite a bit. stop being smelly kids."
after some karaoke (which involved a lot of taylor swift) caiti ended stream and decided to do some homework (??? idk im bad at school)
i would like to say this is entirely a joke. anyways its also the average wattpad story but caitibugzz and shawn mendes.
maybe queen elizabeth will be involved soon;)
by the way no one will talk about how this only takes a minute to read.

 maybe queen elizabeth will be involved soon;)by the way no one will talk about how this only takes a minute to read

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please upvote im supposed to be doing homework rn

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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caitibugzz x shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now