The idiots! Pt.2

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Mina pov
"Aww watcha doin their sweetie?" I asked as I sat down beside kat "playin wif blocks!" He said excitedly ,I smiled and gave him a sweet tender kiss on his cheek, he giggled flashing me his adorable smile "hehe mama"

"Aww baby!!!" I yelled happily as I started squealing and giving him hugs and kisses he was in a giggling fit which made it even cuter.

After playing with katsuki for a bit I realized how quiet the dorm was ,I got a bit worried and decided to check on them "hey Kat how about we go check on everyone?" He smiled and did grabby hands to me, I picked him up placing me on my hip and walked towards kiyoka's room.

"Hey sw- oh" she was sleeping I gently shut the door and went to check in on the boys they're never quiet "hey boys?" I entered the room only to be looking at eiji and denks sitting on the floor making some sort of-what is that?

Kat giggled "play play play" he said as he kicked his feet happily ,I placed him down and he quickly crawled towards them "so what are you up to?" I sat down beside them "we're making potions mom you gotta be really quiet" denks whispered "huh?" They quickly hushed me.

It made katsuki giggle as he repeated the gesture and kept hushing me "we wanted to make slime but its to liquidy so we're playing instead"eiji whispered ,I quickly removed Kat's hand as he tried to touch it he huffed and kept trying to reach for it.

"Can you take care of your brother for me?" I asked as I ruffled Kat's hair ,he looked up at my hand curiously with wide glassy eyes-wait glassy? Oh shit.

His pout soon turned into a sad one and then it trembled ,I quickly picked him up placing him on my lap before he started balling his eyes out that is what I expected but instead he went back like nothing happened "huh?" I looked at him confused "hehe kat was faking it" eijirou giggled.

I looked shocked and looked at the happy baby in my arms "wan stay wif mama" he clutched onto my shirt tightly I smiled at him "what a smart baby aren't you?" I got up picking katsuki up with me.

He suckled on his thumb contently waving at his older brothers with the other hand "someone's sleepy~" he grumbled I chuckled waving at the boys.

I got kat ready for his nap and right after I set him down I heard nocking ,Hanta opened the door.

Sero pov
I opened the door lazily as my eyes shot up to see lida "oh hey class prez" I gave him a smile as I leaned onto the door frame "hello sero I would like to have a talk with you and the others in the common room right now" he said strictly I was confused but started hearing a lot of ruckus coming from inside.

"Uh yeah sure just one sec"
I lightly closed the door as I went to see what was going on "you brat! Why the fuck did you do that!?!" That was kyouka ,I started walking to her room but then heard something break I started running.

"What the hell is going on!?!" I yelled but quickly stopped to take in the scene in front of me ,Kyouka had some green goo on her hair dripping all over her bed ,denki was holding a bowl and covered in green goo while Mina was holding his arm and looked furious ,on the other hand eijirou was standing in the middle of a pile of a broken lamp.

I huffed as I then heard a deep voice yell it sounded like lida ,Mina and I exchanged looks and she ran towards the door as I dealt with the problem in front of me.

Mina pov
I ran to the door and quickly stopped as I saw an angry lida looking at the ground I looked down to see katsuki whining and trying to push Lisa's leg away " what the hell is this?!!" He yelled angrily "oh uhm k-katsuki baby comere"

I said starting to gently pick him up ,but he kept on kicking his feet and whining "out out out!" He yelled his whines soon turned into screams very very loud screams ,which attracted a lot of people "w-what's going on!?!" Deku said looking shocked as the hallway filled up with our classmates.

The sounds grew from both inside and out as I felt myself freak out ,the spiraling in my head was soon caught off by loud heartbreaking sobs I looked down at katsuki who was scrating and clawing at my hand desperately trying to get away from me, I looked at the tight grip I was holding and saw....blood.

He was bleeding

I made him bleed!

"Oh baby baby baby baby I'm so so sorry I -I"I cried as I let go of him and slowly dropped down on my knees crying.


The only thing you could hear was the painful cries of my baby and the pitiful ugly sobs I let out ,everyone surrounded us ,Hanta came rushing in he rubbed my back gently then picked up kat trying to calm him down.

The kids came in Hanta gave Kyouka kat to calm him down as he sat beside me holding me in his chest I calmed down "I hurt him I-I" I clutched onto hanta's shirt "it's ok he's fine look at him" Hanta smiled reassuringly Kyouka sat kat back down.

His eyes were swollen and red ,he was sucking on a pacifier and his arm was bandaged...was i really crying for a long time?

I looked up to see the class still standing their ,katauki crawled onto my lap "mama? Few bettew  now?" He asked his pacifier falling out of his mouth but the clip stopped it from hitting the ground.

"Mhm mama's so sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt you I'm so sorry" and I'm crying again "is ok dada towd me ou wewe scawed an needed cuddles and kissies to feew bettew" he smiled my heart swelled up as I gently hugged him kissing him all over.

"Ahem" I looked up to see the class very confused I huffed getting up and placing Katsuki on my hip "all questions will be answered after we all calmed down so it might take a couple of days now shoo" I said confidently closing the door behind me ,I heard  a series of hey's or them yelling something I couldn't tell.

Annnnnd done might make a part three but yeah :D

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