Entry two

21 0 0

6:30 P.M.

Hey i'm back again it's been a week since I last wrote because coach has had four hour practices everyday after school to get ready for the first game next week. But we are finally looking ready. Today at practice we did two on twos and you'll never guess who coach put me with. That's right finn. He is so nice and is actually a really cool person in fact we're hanging out at 7:30 tonight and i'm so excited!!! But back to lacrosse when we were on defense I was in goal and he was a defender and no one scored on us. why you might ask? Because we're great at what we do. When we were on offense we scored every time. We were so in sync too. He even complimented me on my BTB shot (Behind the back). Of course I complimented him on his rusty gate move. Then after practice we were talking on the way out to our cars. *cuts to flashback scene* Z:"Hey finn, you did good today."
F:"Thanks, you did great."
F:"So it's Friday do you have any plans tonight?"
Z: "No. i was supposed to hang out with Ivanna but she ended up having to tutor some senior. Do you have any plans?"
F:"Wait isn't she a junior?"
Z:"Yeah she's really smart she had enough credits to graduate last year and she take college classes and extracurricular classes now."
F:"Dang,she really is smart. And no I don't have plans I was gonna hang out with my brother,Carter, but he made plans last second."
Z:"Yeah she is. Well maybe Ivy is tutoring Carter."
F:"She probably is. He's not very smart." Z:"Haha. So why'd you want to know if I had plans.
F:"Well I wanted to see if you wanted to come over and play
Z:"You know what I would love to!! I then gave him my number and he sent me his address.
*Back to current time* So that's why i'm going over to play video games and i'm really excited. i'm curious to know if he's gay or not though. God I hope he is. Well it's already 7:00 so I should get ready. I'm wearing black holy skinny jeans with a red lacrosse hoodie. Well that's it talk to you soon.

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