chapter 1 : the past remeets the present

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"Hange , you know I love you so much"

"I do"

"And you know I trust you with my life as well"

"I know that as well my sweet girl"

"Okay , glad we could agree. but that doesn't mean you can blindfold me at random moments and drag me out the house my love"

Hange , laughing it off , placed their right hand on your left thigh , tracing their thumb up and down trying to calm your nerves. They knew how much you didnt love suprises as the anticipation was the main thing you hated. But it was always worth the wait when it came with your partner

"Just a couple of more turns my love and we'll be there. You're gonna love where we're going"

"I love anywhere we go" you said truthfully. Hange always took you to the most amazing places ever since you two started dating. From beach picnics to even small dinners on mountain top restaurants. Hange would find the hidden beauty in everything and take you there for you both to experience. I mean , that is how you met eachother 3 years ago today. At a museum.

You remember it like yesterday : You and Hange staring at the exact same piece ; Springtime by Pierre Auguste Cot. You both were staring at it for a while , both finally noticing the other every now and then. Hange then built up the strength after a whiles time and said
" You know , i don't understand why they always draw nipples on paintings"

It made you bust out laughing. Hange joined you as you tried catching your breath. And from that moment on , you never stopped talking to Hange. And 8 months after being friends and feelings , they asked you out, and of course, you said yes. They always been your number 1 in everything. Always in your mind. Always painted in your head.

"We're here angel !" Hange exclaimed as they got out the car first , before coming to open your door. "Such a gentleman still after 3 years my love." you said as they grabbed your hand and guided your blinded body out the car door , towards your unknown location.

As you walked , on the steps of the grounds , you hear the familiar sounds of the fountains that used to greet you before you entered a nostalgic place. The smell of pine and honey filled the air , something that made you reminisce about the past.

Hans hand let go of yours to open what you heard was a door. As they commanded and told you "Walk forward a bit" . As you entered the strange building , you felt a pressure of cold air come onto you , straight from a vent system. Hange grabbed your left and and then moved next to your body and stood next to you , now starting to lead and carefully guiding you further into the quiet and calmed building. It them comes to a stop after a couple of steps , and you then feel Hange move from your left side if your body to behind you , holding you close to them and kissing your cheek before whispering in your ear "you ready to see again , love?"

All you could do was squeeze the hands around your waist and nod in approval. Hans hums as they remove their hands off your waist , and place them onto the back of your head. The adrenaline kicks in as you are finally ready to see what you have been missing , where your lover has finally lead you and dragged you out of the house for. They slowly begin to remove your blindfold, and as you regain your vision the bright light of the world comes over your eyes. you blink as you try to make out the world and once you do , you're wordless.

(play Fool for You - Snoh Aalegra)"SUPRISE ! I know its not much but i figured we could reminisce on the old times

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(play Fool for You - Snoh Aalegra)
"SUPRISE ! I know its not much but i figured we could reminisce on the old times. And since we did met 3 years ago here , we could go back to the spot we met at in this muse-" . You cut Hans short and turn around , pulling  them into a tight hug , wrapping your hands around their neck and burrying your head into their soft spot as well. Hange always had a way with things , and that always made you fall for them. Fall as a fool for them and you never minded it.
"Thank you Hange . And no wonder you put this outfit back on. you usually always  mix up the clothing when were going out on dates"

"I been wanting to wear this outfit again for a while now , so today is the perfect day to wear it again " Hans say as they come up from in front of you and moves to your side , putting their arm out and holding it straight down but next to you saying the words : "you ready my dear?"

and to you , you reply

"with you , always"

this is my first published story in a while and yes i do take criticism. thank you for reading and thank you so much if you enjoyed it , and the next story will be out soon i will post on my tik tok @/pleashange for updates on this and my smut  ! thank you and thank you for 900!

xenon <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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