Chapter 1

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A/N for those of you who read my last story and know that I'm working on a fanfiction that my friend gave me the idea for, this is NOT it. She and I have decided we are gonna work on that together. So when we get the first chapter written we will post it. I'm gonna stop rambling now and start this story.

Thomas POV

I woke up this Thursday morning to the sound of Highway To Hell by AC/DC playing from my alarm clock. I checked the time, 7:03. AM. I've got about an hour to get ready for school.

I get out of bed and head to my closet. The way my room is set up my bed is to the right side along the wall, a bedside table next to it, a window above the table, a dresser next to the window, then along the 3rd wall adjacent to that one I have my closet and my TV.

The 4th wall is mainly just a mirror above my desk and a whole lot of posters of bands on my wall. Such as AC/DC, Journey, Queen, Bon Jovi, and many more from back in that time. Yeah my taste is a little old but I don't even care.

I get dressed in a black Journey t-shirt and blue jeans. I pull on a light jacket. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I then head downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

When I reach the kitchen I check the clock again. 7:45.

Chuck, my little brother, is already heading out the door with our mother since he's still too young to walk to school.

"Bye, Chuck, have fun at school!" I yell just before my mom closes the door.

I grab the cereal box on the counter and pour some into a bowl. After I finish eating, I put the cereal box back and put my bowl in the sink. 7:54.

I put in my headphones, grab my bag, and head out the door. When I get outside I lock the door and head to school. Sure I'm gonna be late but it's not the first time. A lot of people at school call me one of the "bad boys." I don't consider myself one of the "bad boys" though. Cause really I'm not all that bad. I get my homework done every night, I show up to every class, I actually have really good grades, I don't bully I actually try to keep Gally from bullying people, I'm not bad. I just show up to school late. A lot.

So when Mrs. Bailey gives me after school detention for being late for the 3rd time that week I'm not surprised.

Mrs. Bailey is my 1st period history teacher. She looks to be in her mid-thirties. She actually has a daughter in the grade below mine. I can't remember her name though. Mrs. Bailey has blonde curly hair that's dyed brown at the tips.

I take my normal seat by my best friend, Teresa. She's been my friend since kindergarten. We also have another friend, Minho, but he's not in here with us. Class carries on as normal after that.

When lunch finally comes around, my stomach is growling. I'm waiting in line for a tray and I keep hearing bits of people's conversations. They all seem to be talking about the same thing.

"Did you hear?"
"That Newt got detention?"
"Yeah. Who would've thought?"
"I know I would've never guessed that."

Another group:
"I bet he's in the library crying his eyes out."
"Nah he's probably calling his "mum" telling her what happened."

Why are people so mean to him? He never did anything to them.

Newt is the smartest kid in our grade. Maybe even the whole school. He never gets in trouble. Ever. I wonder what he did that got him detention. Newt moved here from England about 3 years ago. He still had the accent. He also has a limp. Nobody knows what happened. He doesn't really have many friends here either.

Not 5 seconds after those thoughts, said boy walked into the cafeteria. The whole room fell silent. Newt, looking panicked now, turned around on his heel to leave.

Not before Gally could say anything though.

"So, Newtie, what'd our precious little goody two shoes do to get detention?" He had this evil smirk on his face. Newt froze in place.

"Oh why don't you just shut up, Gally!" I yelled at him from where I was standing clear across the room from both of them. Newt turned to look at me with surprise on his face. Gally just snarled and turned back to his friends. He knows I have dirt on him that I could easily use against him. Thats why he doesn't mess with me.

I stepped out of line, knowing I would never get that spot back, and walked towards Newt. I grabbed his arm and lead him out of the cafeteria.

"Might wanna lay low for a little while." I told him as I lead him to my locker where I had snacks for after school practice since I'm on the track team. Luckily we didn't have practice today.

"Why are you being nice to me?" He asked in a small voice after accepting a bag of Cheetos.

"Because I know what it's like to be stereotyped. You know I'm not a bad guy like everyone seems to believe." I gave him a small smile to prove my point.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

"No problem. So when do you have detention?" At the mention of the word he visibly shuddered.

"This afternoon." He mumbled.

"Hey, I'll be in there with you." I told him. He raised an eyebrow. "I was late to 1st period 3 times this week." I informed him.

"I had a sub in 1st period this morning." He started. "I didn't even do anything. Some idiot threw a wad of paper at her while she was writing our assignment on the board. Then the bloody basterd blamed me. And since she's a sub she doesn't know that I would never do anything like that and gave me detention." He had a tear trickling down his cheek by the end. He wiped it away fast though.

"Ahh. I hate that new rule that subs can give detention. By any chance do you know who threw it?" I asked.

"Minho." Of course.

Im really gonna have to have a talk with him about this but that can wait till later.

"Well I'll have a talk with him later. How about this, you meet me here after 7th period and we'll go to detention together. Sound like a plan?" I asked. He just nodded. "M'kay see you after 7th." I started to stand up as the bell rang.

"Uh thanks. A lot. For everything, Thomas." He mumbled, looking at the floor.

"No problem, Newt." I smiled at him before heading to 5th period. It didn't even hit me till I sat down. I never told Newt my name. For some reason that made me smile. Probably because that means he actually knows who I am. Let's just hope he doesn't think I'm all that bad like everyone else seems to think.

A/N sorry if this sucks. It's just an idea I had earlier today.

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