Chapter 1

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"here is your mocca latte with ice-cream and cream sorry for the wait" i placed the mans order on his table before heading back to the pick up station "today's awfully busy isn't it!" My co-worker and bestie Cassie said handing me for trays "well it is winter and theres just something so special about the shop that makes it full" i smiled as we all here a loud boom and act like nothing happened "true" she replied.

This is Y/n A new student at ninjago High and a part time Worker at Ninjago sip'n'go a simple cafe that for some weird reason it has never been destroyed despite being in the most dangerous spot but anyways enough about that onto Y/n. Y/n has a little secret though she has a friend that is part dragon and part human however this special one actually comes from the first dimension however and was called a defect for his small nature (more about him later) anyway as well as having multiple powers and abilities the nickname Wildcard was given to her by her friend Cassie she also may or may not be involved with crime work. This is the story:

Back to y/n pov:

"ORDER UP AT 27" the chef called out to me and i rushed to grab it not relising the floor was wet i slipped. As a reflex i shut my eyes waiting for impact of the cold hard ground never came, slowly opening my eyes i found myself in the arms of a boy around the same age as me in a green hood. "are you okay?" he asked me as he placed me back on my feet "uum uh um y-yes thankyou" I felt my face heat up as i rushed by the boy and into the kitchen "ooooooo Y/n's blushing~" Cassie teased "n-no i'm not plus I've never seen him" a tray was thrusted into my hands "yeah yeah whatever lover girl you still have 4 hours on your shift left so less falling in love and more work" she said 'jeez she fucking bi-polar or somethin?'.

Finishing my last order grabbed my winter coat and gloves and left the shop waving goodbye to my coworkers "YYYY/NNN WAIT!" I heard the forever energetic Cassie Yell. I stopped and turned folding my arms and letting her catchup "didn't you have another hour or so left?" I asked "no that's on Saturdays todays Sunday member?" she rolled her eyes "sometimes I worry about your memory" she joked "yeah yeah lets go Arrow's waiting for me" I walked a little faster "slow down gurl I cant keep up witch ya" Cassie huffed.

We arrived at the school and entered the dorm area "hey you mind if I come over to your dorm mine I wanna see Arrow and I also want to help you train your p-mhmff" my hand covered her mouth before she could say another word "not out here its to dangerous remember?" I hushed her nodding I removed my hand from her mouth "ok Wildcard" she smirked "you know I hate that name" I groaned "well you are a wildcard Literally I never know what your going to attack with your p-" I once again covered her mouth "oh my god 2 seconds 2 SECONDS AGO WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THIS AND YOU ALREADY FORGOT" I yelled under my breath "im not taking my hand off until we get back to my place" I huffed.

we entered my dorm room exhausted the time being 3:00pm "Arrow i'm home and Cass is here" i called out to my defective dragon-human or as i like to call a druman (despite the school being cheap they actually have very nice and large dorms) "ROW?" I called a little louder no response. We split up to look for my pal thinking maybe he just couldn't hear me (The dorms are VERY big) I entered the lounge area, low and behold there was a sleeping dragon on my couch curled up in a ball position to savour any warmth I grabbed my phone and texted Cass not wanting to wake up the sleeping bean.

I grabbed a warm blanket and covered Arrow with it and gave him a few pats to which he purred with delight "*gasp* I never thought a dragon could be so cuuuuuteee" Cass beamed "hes a druman not a dragon" I glared "a what?".

Lloyd pov:

"please deliver this letter to a girl named Wildcard but if she's not there then ask for it to be taken and given to her by A half-dragon half-human named Arrow though do keep in mind he is as tall as a ruler so please be careful" Sensei Wu handed me a Letter that bared the name of Wildcard "sure uncle I'll be back quicker then you can say Ninja go!" I smiled using spinjitzu to change into my ninja outfit and went out into the night. I arrived at my designated location 'huh it's the school dorms she must be a student then?' I thought to myself and landed on one of her windowsill's but when trying to open it I found it was stuck or rather locked 'hmm that's a bit annoying my lock picking skills aren't really that good Jay or Zane are a better fit then me oh wait no its not locked just stuck....I'm an idiot' I thought to myself as I slowly heaved the window up.

I crawled through the window into what seemed to be the dorms Dining area "Um I was told to give this letter to Wildcard but if she isn't here then I am to give it to someone named Arrow? Is an Arrow here? .....Sensei did say he was very small maybe he's hiding" I whispered to myself after trying to get someone's attention "if anyone is here I'll leave this note on this table" I called out feeling like an idiot. After placing the note on the table I left out through the window closing it behind me and left.

(I know this is short chapter and I sorry I will make longer chapter but I need to do this profile chapter of Arrow)

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