Chapter 2

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I was in the middle of cooking dinner and telling Cassie what a Druman is when the sleepy boi walked in blanket wrapped around his shoulders dragging behind him "hmm? W-whas that smell?" he groggily asked "its dinner" I replied "Y/N?! YOUR HOME! FINALLY" he burst excited "heheh morning sleepy" I knelt down and gave Arrow a hug "hey Arrow" Cassie greeted "CASS!" he yelled in excitement. Letting him go he gave Cassie a hug, after the hugs and everything he sat on the kitchen bench and looked at me with a serious face "someone came through the window and placed this letter on your desk" he said pulling out a miniture letter from his pocket "wait someone did what?" I asked shocked but he just ignored me continuing while enlarging the letter to my hand size "also they somehow knew of my existence cause when they entered and I was hiding in my spot he said 'Um I was told to give this letter to Wildcard-" "ugh they don't have to you my hero name" I groaned "WAIT YOU'RE A HERO?!" Cassie gasped "yeah in my old town I was and my name is Wildcard" I sighed "But that's my nickname for youuuu now I'll have to come up with another nickna-" "CAN I CONTINUE?" Arrow yelled "oh yes sorry" we apologized to him " as I was saying 'but if she isn't here then I am to give it to someone named Arrow? Is an Arrow here? .....Sensei did say he was very small maybe he's hiding".

"what did he look like?" I asked while opening the letter "well you know that green ninja guy on Tv?" he asked "yeah?" I asked taking a sip of tea Cass had just made me while Arrow was talking "Well it was him exact voice and everything" he calmly said. My reaction however wasn't the same. Spitting out the tea and choking on it at the same time I placed down my cup "*cough**cough**cough* it was *cough**cough* HIM! *cough**cough* *Hack*" I said shocked while in the middle of dying "*cough**cough* I'm dyin! *cough**cough* water! Casss water!!! *cough**cough*". After that whole thing I finally unfolded the letter and read it "...........power..........prison......." in the middle of my reading Cassie and Arrow piped up "we would also like to know what it says". "oh right sorry um it says:

Dear Wildcard

I am Sensei Wu and I am writing to you because regarding your powers I am giving you an invite to work alongside the ninja. Now I know you like to keep your identity a secret so you do not have to move into the ninja hideout if you do not want to I also happen to know you have a half-dragon half-human pet-"

"PET?! I AM NOT A PET THANKYOU VERY MUCH SENSEI LU OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS!" Arrow interrupted to which I ignored and continued reading.

"whom you also like to keep a secret which I understand perfectly regarding how he is a descendent of a powerful dragon but apart from that if you are interested by this invitation please meet up with me and the ninja with Arrow if that Is alright tonight at midnight the kryptarium prison at well if your reading this out loud you know which cell I mean.

Best regards


So basically its an invite to be apart of the ninja force" I finished and found Cassie staring at me wide eyed "Before you say anything I was already planning on going and no your not coming" I stared back at her which she pouted " I guess no training?" she asked "yeah no training today soz Cass tomorrow I will if I have time ok?" I told her "yeah ok well its 11:00pm so I should be going so you can get ready". "bye Cassie" Arrow and I waved goodbye as she went off to her Dorm, when out of site we both bolted in doors when smelling something burnt "hmm we should have enough time to have dinner" Arrow suggested "yeah but we will have to shovel it in cause we have to find our outfits."

 (Arrows outfit is the one in the profilechapter I'll show Y/n's soon). After shoveling in our food we Looked for ourhero outfits well mainly only mine "Y/N I FOUND IT" Arrow yelled out from myroom as I was about to open box 3 in the lounge room "coming" I yelled, afterputting it on I looked in the mirror "brings back memories" I smiled at Arrow(heres what her outfit looks like sorry not sorry if you don't like purple andblack or have long hair or anything also she has two different coloured handsto represent she has more than 1 power and ability she also has A mace as aweapon but I couldn'tmake one unfortunatly)

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