Chapter 4

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Y/n pov:

'wait WHAT!' I couldn't yell as I was paralysed in shock, my mind went blank 'what the FUCK WHAT THE ANSOLUTE FUCK! WHO LET THIS FUCKING TEACHER TEACH! WHO IN THERE RIGHT MIND LET THIS MOTHER FUCKING ABUSING BITCH TEACH?!' anger clouded my mind and vision so much that I didn't realise Lloyd was pleading for help.

Cassie Pov:

(all I have to say is that she has the same dialogue as Y/n)

Lloyd Pov:

I became scared for my life when I heard I was the test subject though this happens every 2 or 3 weeks but knowing I cant actually do anything or else my identity would be revealed and the blame would be placed on me somehow anyways all I can really do is cry for help and hope someone intervenes. "Wait no please don't no no no please no" I begged for him to change his mind but he refused I looked at Cassie and Y/n for help but I already knew that was useless when I saw there faces. 4 students held me down on my seat as one of them bought the flame to the desk. 2 students camelle and tom grabbed my arm and started moving my hand closer and closer to the fire, I struggled and tried to pull my arm from there grip but its useless if it were one person it would be a little easier. I shut my eyes tightly to hold what is going to be tears of pain in. I scream in pain as my hand is engulfed in flames.

Y/n Pov:

I heard screams that made my heart shatter into pieces as if it were glass, making me come back into reality, I whipped my head in the direction of the screams so fast I swear I nearly got whiplash and saw the most terrible sight- well I've seen worse but for some reason this takes the cherry on top. Lloyds Hand engulfed in flames as he screams in agony. (oh Cassie also sees this horror) I was instantly filled with anguish before I could think my body was moving on it's own. I watched as my body instinctively wacked the thing causing him Pain onto the floor the two students that were holding his wrist retracted their hands in surprise Cassie helped by pushing the students holding him down on his chair to the side. I was now in control of my body as I grabbed my water bottle and emptied it on Lloyds hand extinguishing the flames.

Lloyd groaned in pain and sighed through his teeth relaxing on his seat "t-thankyou Y/n" he thanked me "don't thank me yet we need to take you to the nurses office an-" I started to hoist his body on my back (Look he may not have a broken leg or anything like that but whenever Arrow would hurt himself she gave him piggybacks saving time getting to first aid kit in the kitchen that's all she doing its just become a reflex just in case your confused on why she would give him a piggyback) when the jackass that started this ordeal spoke "You are not going anywhere young lady How DARE you interfere with my lesson you worthless-" placing the boi down and walking up to the teacher I Punched his face, kneed him in the balls then gave him a swift kick to the stomach making him crumple to the floor in pain "I'll be back for your ass later" I whispered smiling like a psychotic bitch then continued to give a piggyback to Lloyd.

We made it half way down the hallway when he spoke up "U-Um Y-Y/n um I-I can walk you don't need to carry m-me" and I felt my face heat up faster then any human ever and im sure it was just as red "o-oh shit s-sorry i-it's a r-reflex" I stuttered placing him on his feet "it's alright I probably would have done the same if you got hurt trust me its just as much of a reflex for you as is for me heheh" he laughed dryly wincing from the pain of his burns. "Oh Lloyd haven't seen you in a while whats the problem?" the nurse greeted him with a smile which quickly faded after noticing the condition of his hand "he did it again? *sigh* I swear that man is just asking to go to kryptarium I don't know why he does it honestly." She huffed turning on the sink to cold and placing his hand under the running water "wait this happens regularly?!" I asked completely shocked looking at Lloyd with eyes of sorrow "only once every two weeks heheh" he chuckled dryly. I couldn't help but stare at his hand with a VERY worried expression "you know this isn't the worse that's happened to me I once broke my arm" he spoke making me redirect my attention to him "how did it happen if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned "I told a terrible joke and Nya punched me in arm" his face cringed "the joke was 'what gets worse the more it practices?'" he paused "what does?" I asked intrigued "Kai's fashion sense" he replied and we broke into laughter "your right that was terrible" Cassie groaned scaring me and Lloyd "oh forgot you were there" we both said "yeah guessed so I mean I am the third wheeler of this romance story" she sighed making us blush "What we aren't I mean we just met-" we tried to speak over each other "can it lovers I don't wanna hear it" she raised a hand silencing us.

~at lunch~


"Ok I finally got the principle to fire that teacher he's lucky that's all he gets to!" Nya declared sitting herself next to her Boyfriend Jay (I will always ship this ship and always have it already developed because im to lazy to managed two ships). "oh bae Lloyd was just telling us about how Y/n beat up the teacher "SHE DID?! Oh my god where is she I must praise her" Nya started looking around for her "I think she went to go Scream at the principle when she saw you leave I wouldn't talk to her when she comes back" Cassie suddenly appeared out of nowhere "mind if I sit here while Y/n's yelling at him?" she asked "um it's probably best if you don't do that" I immediately spoke up before they could all say yes. Her face immediately was confused and saddened "um its because usually this table is bullied a lot because of me I've told these idiots the same thing but they were to stubborn-" "Hey! We have good reasons why one were your friends two your really need protecting third were-" Zane who had interrupted me had his mouth quickly covered by Cole when realising what he was going to say "there is no third reason just those two".

"oh is that all the reason is? Well I'm sitting here no matter what you say" She said placing herself next to me "ok just be prepared to handle jackasses" I replied but she looked like she didn't give a shit.

Quick Y/n pov:

"WHY? WHY WOULD YOU LET THAT FUCKING JACKASS TEACH WHY THE FUCK! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. WRONG. WITH. YOUUUUU." I screamed maniacally at the principle fuelled with rage "I-I-I-I Um I uhhhh" he stuttered not having anything to say as he did not expect 1 but 2! Girls come into his room and yell at him about the same teacher which had no idea about what the teacher was doing as they had no cameras set up due to what happened last time and also because no one said anything about it cause everyone hates Lloyd and you might say "but Cutesmol what about his friends???? And his mum or nurse or what about his uncle?????" well the thing is he would convince them that he was fine and that hes had worse happen to him.

Back to Lloyd pov:

I wasn't really that hungry as I was to busy thinking about Y/n and the way she looked at me with those beautiful Hazel eyes of hers (she only has purple eyes because she uses contact lenses when battling as to cover up all roots of identity and uses a different higher pitched voice) the way she laughed at my shitty pun. "hey Lloyd.......Lloyd?.......LLOYD!"

Hey gois I'm really sorry this it short and ittook so long to upload school has gotten me really busy I will try to updatemore often but the chapters will havbe to be shorter if that's to happen (don'tblame me blame school) love you my jellybeans bubye 

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