Chapter 1: The run

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I hope you enjoy this story and it'll mostly be written in louis POV Unless I label otherwise
( ' ) means his mind/ wolf side is talking
( " )means someone is talking
'RUN, JUST KEEP RUNNING'.... 'Get away, far away'......
My heart was pounding, blood was pumping under the full moon,
My muscles growing, my sight improving...
Canines lengthening.
My names Louis Tomlinson, and I'm a werewolf trying to survive from the world around me.
The full moon, it's just to much. The sweat was collecting on my forehead well I was walking under the city lights. I had no idea where I was at due to being in a new city. I knew I should've left earlier.

I'm trying to casually walk down the street but you do get some stares when your sweating in 20 degree weather. 'Just keep walking, just keep walking' my mind kept saying. I wouldn't even be in this situation if I wouldn't have basically wolfed out I front of my friend.

"Oh common louis just this once" drake said.

"I already told you no so don't ask again" I say with gritted teeth, he had already asked so much of me this week and I'm tired of it, plus it's a full moon. I don't know how much more I'll be able to take.

" Oh come on Tomlinson! Just one more thing!" Before I knew it my body was shaking, I was sweating while my teeth lengthened, my eyes turned to a golden color and Hair on my face started to grow. Before I knew it I was letting out a growl and pounced onto my friend growling in his face. He looked like he knew he was going to die, but before I could do anything I jumped out the window and ran, ran As fast as I could, leaving my family and friends behind.

End flashback.
I don't turn into a full wolf but I just gain wolf qualities. I hate it when people say that we all turn into dogs I hate it, just as much as when they say that we are all wild. Most of us are quite tamed, very few are wild, but I guess it's also rare for a werewolf to turn into a full wolf. Only werewolf's that are to gain much power get that power, that'll never be me though.

As I continued walking down the sidewalk I finally see a start of a forest so I start running. Bad idea. I start to loose control and I start turning earlier than expected. '' my mind yelled. So I ran, tearing through tree branches until I got to an isolated spot in the forest.

I took my jacket off setting it off to the side to put back on in the morning. My breathing becomes more prominent, I can feel my teeth growing which hurt so much. My back was arching from the pain. My face was towards the ground covered in leaves when my head suddenly lift up towards the moon and my mouth lets out a inhuman growl. My nails grew as I rose up from the ground and let out another growl and started running in an unknown direction as I was letting my wolf Sid take more control of my body to be free before the next full moon. I was still in control and aware, but I just needed to give off some stress due to not letting my wolf side be free in such a long time.

I run and run until I come to a sudden stop and listen to the aa around me. I hear a twig snap to my right. I immediately turn my head and sniff the air. An arrow flew by my head, barely missing me, that's when I turn to run back.

'run,run,RUN' I mentally yell. I have to get out of here, now that I know that hunters are here I have to be extra careful during the full moons. I kept running until I got to where the beginning of my transformation started and grabbed my jacket and started running again.

I ended up running until I couldn't anymore which was luckily right by a cave. I enter the cave and slide down against the wall and rest until sunrise because for some reason I can't turn back until the sun comes up, I know, it sucks.

I woke up yawning while stretching my arms out realizing I now have no claws, teeth, or facial hair. Just like any other full moon. I had nothing to do really so I just went through my past memories, like how I became a werewolf, etc.

It was 2 years ago when I first changed, I was 16. My mom had told me that I had gotten this 'curse' from my dads side which can explain a lot since he was never in my life. The first time was hell, everything I still feel now felt 10 times worse than it does now. I thought it was a gift at first, I still do but not as much. What change my mind was when I almost hurt my little sister when she came into my room on a full moon. I almost killed her, she was in the hospital for a week due to an 'Animal attack'. I hated myself for it.

I was soon able to control it better after a few full moons, and luckily my mum redecorated our basement to be able to suit me when I changed each month, I was very grateful for what she did for me, I'll never forget her I lover her and my sisters so much.

None of my sisters gained the werewolf trait, which I'm glad for, I couldn't watch them go through the pain I went through. It was only me, I did feel left out but I also felt special to be the only on with this ability.

Enough going on about all of this though. I think it's time I go around memorizing the town that I'll be living in for now. I just hope those hunters didn't see my face.....

Hi guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't written for a while! I've just been having writers block, AGAIN. And I was dealing with the whole Zayn leaving thing and school work so yeah. I hope ya'll can forgive me and I hope you will enjoy this new story!

If you have any questions about it then don't be afraid to DM me!

words: 1,099

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