Chapter 5: The Hunt

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I think ya'll like my story, I mean, the reads went up! So thank you for reading it😅 I didn't think anyone would like this story. Enjoy!

Bold= Liam
Normal= Louis
Bold and italisized= Niall

Today's gonna be a good day, I mean, I know who my mate is!! But I just have to find this city.....with thousands of people.... This might be harder then I think. But I know I'm gonna find him, sooner or later!

I get up with a little extra energy than normal, but I guess that's an effect of the full moon yesterday and the whole 'turning into a whole wolf' thing. Getting dressed was a lot faster, same with getting washed up. Sometimes love effects you greatly.

"LIAMMMMMM! NIALLL!!!! GET UP!" Louis yells. "It's time to get up! We're going to go the shops in town today, then go to the park, then anywhere else we didn't go to!". "Louis, it's only 8. can we wait a bit?" Liam asks. Then Niall groans, agreeing with his boyfriend. 'No silly Liam, today's going to be a good day but you won't see that while laying in bed! Common!' I beg. 'Fine Louis, we'll be up in a second'

1 Hour Later

It has seriously been an hour and we haven't stepped a foot outside yet. I mean, is it really that important to have a bowl of cereal every morning? I just want to find my mate, the thought makes me sad. I feel like I'll never find him, every minute I spend in here is one less minute I'll have with him. Liam senses my mood and speaks up; 'alright, are we ready to go now? We should get going soon' His sincerity brings my mood up, giving me more hope than what I had before. 'Yeah let's get going, I just realized I had to go get a new pair of shoes. Somehow the ones I have now have a hole in them' Niall finally says after swallowing his mouth full of food.

"Alright then, common then! Niall you can go to get some shoes with Liam or not, your choice and I'll just go and explore!"

"Alright Louis, we get it, I'll go with Niall to get some shoes and we'll just meet back up with you sometime later. Just make sure you have your phone on you in case of an emergency."

"Alright sir. Lets just meet back up at the park when everything's done and over with yeah?"

"Works for me, you ready babe?"

"Yeah, let's get going"

Then we took our separate ways to go search for what we all needed.

2 Hours and 20 stores later:

"I've searched almost every store in the town Liam! Nowhere , I passed by at least five apartment buildings and about one hundred houses and nothing! I can't find his scent anywhere."

"Well mate, just come over to the park for now. We can always come back out and try to search again tomorrow or later this week."

"Yeah, I'm already on my way over to the park now, I'm probably around five minutes away as we speak"

"No babe I can't- later we can ok? Louis on his wa- ow! Ok ok. Sorry Louis, niall's being a pain right now we're gonna go get ice cream real quick and  meet you here is that cool? Get it? Cause ice cream? No, ok."

"Yeah, yeah. Ok Liam I'll just meet you then talk to you late-" I'm knocked to the ground. Him. I ran into him. MATE! My wolf called out.

"H-Hi, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention."

(Italicized only is this mystery man 😉)

"No uh, don't worry about it man. It was an accident. I'm Harry by the way" He said with a smile oh my god his smile, it's like the gods perfect touch to a perfect angel. And his eyes don't even get me started-.

"Hello? Did you hear me?"

"Oh! Sorry I just zoned out for a second say that again?"

"Haha, I asked if you wanted to get a coffee some time? As a friendly gesture and as a 'sorry' to make it up to you?" His laugh, it's so beautiful. It could bring a smile to anyone's face.

"Yeah sure that'd be great, how about tomorrow at noon?"

"That seems perfect, see you there!" He winks at me. HE WINKED AT ME.

Turning away a make a screeching sound and rush to the park to meet Liam. Gosh I feel like a fangirl right now, I mean I am fangirling over him but whatever.

"It's about time I find you Payne! You wouldn't believe what happened!"

"Yeah? Well whatever it is it seems good by the smile on your face." I pulled him aside.

"I found my mate! Again! We ran into each other when I was on my way here and we're going out for coffee tomorrow at noon!"

"That's great man! I'm happy for you. Just remember to control your possessiveness around him and try to control your wolf so you don't expose yourself so soon."

" Ok, I'll try but why haven't you told Niall yet? You've been with him for the longest time and he still doesn't know about you, us"

"I just don't want him to get freaked out and leave me... That, and I'm afraid that he'll start acting differently around me. I don't want that to happen."

"I understand, but I really think that if he loved you and you both are close to each other's heart then he will accept it and still love you the same, it might take some time to amuse to that kind of news but at least you've told him. I think it'll go just fine."

"Thanks, maybe I will soon. Our anniversary is coming up soon so I might tell him then. I feel like that would be a good time to tell him."

"Sounds good to me"

We soon left after the couple finished their ice cream. After going on a search and finding nothing then finding him after giving up, I'm glad today is over with.


Word count:1030

Hi! I'm sorry it's been taking forever, school is being a pain and I had a recent death of a close teacher and I've had little to no sleep. Always remember I am now apart of your family! If you need to talk to me il be here for you! Just message me and I'll get the e-mail and I'll talk to you! I care about you, and always will! 😘😘❤️❤️

I think this story will just have slow updates now but I promise no matter how long it takes it will keep getting updated!

If you want to, leave a comment and tell me how it was!

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