chapter 1

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Yeji's pov

I was working when my friend Lia came up to me

''hi yeji unnie I was wonder after work do you want to get a friendship tattoo '' Lia said

I don't have any tattoos but I wanted one so badly that I couldn't wait any longer so I said yes. But Lia she has like 3 tattoos.

'' yeah sure Lia I'll get my first tattoo '' I said

'' yeah meet me at the cafe first to get coffee ok '' Lia said

'' alright see you there '' I said then going back to work

[A few hours later]

We met at the cafe and sat down talking about what tattoo to get.

We agreed on a moon and a sun

'' I want to have the sun and you can have the moon Is that ok with you '' Lia said

'' yeah of course '' I said

'' where do you want to get it at since I already picked what we should get'' she said

'' umm... Let's get in like near the wrist '' I said

'' ok '' she said

'' do you want to go now or later '' she said

'' let's go now so I don't have to worry about it '' I said

'' ok let's go '' Lia said

We both got up from our seats paid for our food and drinks and left to the tattoo shop.

As we head to the tattoo shop I got nervous because this was my first tattoo and I was kinda scared of needles but not really really scared of them not. If I was I wouldn't even be getting a tattoo right now.

'' are you nervous yeji unnie '' Lia said

'' yeah a little '' well don't be ok it's just going to hurt a little bit it's now that bad ok ''
Said Lia

'' ok I trust you with my life '' said making us both laugh

End of chapter

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