chapter 4

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Ryujin's pov

As I was cleaning chaeryeong came into the room with a smirk on her face.

'' what '' I said

'' you like her don't you '' she said in a teasing tone

'' what of course not '' I said

'' oh really I heard what you guys were talking about, you guys are going out this weekend '' she said

'' yeah we are so what '' I said

'' so you do like her '' she said

I sighed and said

'' ok you got me yes I do like her '' I confess to her

'' so are you going to tell her '' she said

'' I don't know maybe what if she doesn't like me back '' I said with a worried tone

'' oh I think she would '' she said

'' and how would you know that '' I said

'' because as Lia was paying for there tattoo I saw her looking at you the entire time '' she said

'' oh really '' I said in a shocked tone

'' yeah and I think I saw her blushing as well '' she said

'' ok whatever I'm going home I'll see you tomorrow chaeryeong '' I said as a was leaving

'' bye ryujin '' she said then I left and went home

At home

I was sitting down on the couch watch a Disney movie when my phone vidreated

I look to see it's yeji. I got really nervous but I opened the text anyways

The text

Yeji:hi ryujin it's me yeji

Ryujin: hi yeji

Yeji: what are you doing

Ryujin: nothing just a Disney watching a movie

Yeji: cool what disney movie you watching

Ryujin: frozen 2

Yeji: cool

Ryujin: anyways where are we going this weekend

Yeji: I was think about going to the new theme park that just opened last week is that ok with you

Ryujin: yeah totally plus I love going to theme parks since I was a kid

Yeji: ok cool I'll see you tomorrow then bye ryujin

Ryujin: ok bye yeji see you tomorrow

End of text

End of chapter

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