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Eleven letters in four syllables as I've read,
It means can't be broken, especially in need.
I want to be just like it,
But sad is, I will never be like it.

Unbreakable is something hard to be,
That's the reason it can't be me.
I'm always broken like a disc in repeat,
A person that is always at defeat.

To stand firm is hard for me,
It's not that easy to be unbreakable.
I'm breakable all the time, the fragile me,
I wish I can be unbreakable.

Soft and fragile, that's how they describe me,
Unbreakable and strong, that will never be me.
Quiet and safe, my heart is found there,
Calm and peaceful, my soul wants to be there.

Eleven letters in four syllables as I've read,
It means firm and can't be broken
But even unbreakable can be breakable,
But we can repair it, and be a better person.

- sssyeinnn

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