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We have seen that ishita was angry on Kavin and Purvi went to washroom because she can't stop the tears which were ready to flow from her eyes anytime

Ishita had directly went to Kavin's cabin and knocked the door

Kavin: come in (sternly)

Ishita: sir I want to talk to you (angrily)

Kavin: not now ishita I am busy( he controls his anger because he don't like those people who talk to him in this tone that too his junior)

Ishita: but I want to talk to you right now (bit loudly)

Kavin had now lost his temper (as you all know he is short tempered😑🤦🏻‍♀️)

Kavin: what is your problem ishita don't you know that your talking with your senior (he shouted on her very loudly and angrily)

Ishita flinched by his voice but she managed not to show it

Ishita: I know sir but right now I don't care who are you, as you are the reason for my friend to cry and also making her remember her past once again

Kavin: who the hell are you to question me ha? I had scolded her as she came late on her very first day of her duty and also don't support your so called best friend in these matters where her mistake is there

Ishita: I will support her in all matters and also did you tried to know the reason why she came late, no right and also why will you try to know the reason because you want a person to show your anger


He shouted so much that all the officers came into the cabin even Dushyant because he was not at out of station just he came late today as he had some important work

Ishita: don't shout sir you have no right to shout on me and my best friend

Kavin: best friend best friend what the hell😠😠😠and you have no right to talk to your senior like this understand

Ishita: I will! what will you do😡😡

Kavin: Ishita don't test my patience( calmely)

Ishita: ohh you have patience also sir, then why didn't you listen to my friend's reason that why she came late😠😠sir if she only cried because of your anger then I was not going to say anything but you had been a reason to remember her past. And one more thing sir I will not spare anyone and i don't think WHO THE HELL THEY ARE if they try to harm her or if she cried because of them even god also


he raised his hand to slap her because of her nonsense talks about him but dushyant came in the middle and stoped his hand
And here all the officers were stunned to see Ishita's anger on Kavin as no one till now dare to talk with kavin in a disrespectful manner but Ishita being ishitha directly shouted on Kavin

Dushyant: kavin are you mad or what you were going to slap a girl and that too my....i mean our junior

Kavin understood that he didn't want to reveal Ishita as his girlfriend to every one

Dushyant: all of you go to your work except Ishita and Purvi

All went to their desks and started doing their respective work

Dushyant: Purvi please close the door

Purvi: ye...yes sir

She was afraid because she thought that Dushyant will also scold her now... seeing this Dushyant smiled a little and said

Dushyant: don't worry Purvi I am not like Kavin who will shout for no reason

Dushyant was talking softly and calmly with Purvi because he knows her past also her love towards kavin

Kavin: what do you mean by no reason ha?

Purvi: Dush I mean sir don't say like that about him as Kavin sir is correct in his own way

Kavin: woww you have brain also impressive🙄

Dushyant: Kavinnnnn

Kavin: fine I will not say anything

Dushyant: good and Purvi don't feel that he shouted on you he is like that only he is a short tempered man

Purvi smiled little and said

Purvi: ok sir

Dushyant: okkk Purvi carry on your work and also don't call me sir when we 4 are present and in off duty

Purvi: okk sir I mean dush😊

Purvi left from there now only Ishita and Kavin were left

Dushyant: and you both is it necessary to fight that much

Ishita: yess it is and Dushu you know why I was so angry at that time

Kavin: can you both tell the reason that why you both are angry on me for just shouting on her because she was late

Dushyant: see Kavin she has a past and we can't tell you what it is without her permission. And today she again remembered her past because of you we are not telling that you are wrong for shouting on her I am just telling that be calm with her because she is sensitive

Kavin: then why she is in CID if she is that much sensitive

Ishita: sir...

Dushyant: ishita calm down.... And Kavin she was not like that before because of her past she became like that and also she has one main reason to join CID which we can't tell

Kavin: godddd this girl is a puzzle to me

Dushyant: for now we can't tell about her Kavin just keep in mind that talk with her calmly

Kavin: Dush please don't tell me what to do and what not to do just because she is your close friend I can't forgot the rules for every officer and also tell to your girlfriend that this is the last time I am forgiving her and.....

His sentence remained incomplete when ishita barged into the conversion

Ishita: yess sir tell what will you do if I repeat it again will you suspend me or will you raise hand on me like you did today. Look sir I don't give a care what will you do with me because for me my PURVI is important in every situation because she is my only family and only friend who know me very well even Dushu is also Important after Purvi only

Kavin: youuuuu

Dushyant: leave it Kavin don't mess with Ishi she will go to any extent if you mess with purvi and hurt her so better to leave this topic for you and ishi you also

Ishita: fine and tell to your so called best friend to be far away from PARI

By saying this she moved out of his cabin and went to her respective desk

Kavin: ishita has so much love towards Purvi but she is also arrogant and stubborn

Dushyant: leave it Kavin do your work and I am also going

And dushyant also moved out of his cabin


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