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Purvi and kavin were working on their desks
And suddenly kavin came near the desk of Purvi

Kavin: purvi

Purvi: yes sir

Kavin: I am going to cafeteria do you want some thing. Actually we have to stay all night awake so its better to have some tea or coffee

Purvi was astonished because of kavin's behaviour because this time he was talking so politely with her

Purvi: your wish sir

Kavin: okk

by saying this he went to bring tea for both of them and here purvi got a call from unknown number

Purvi: hello

Someone: hello baby doll

Purvi was shocked she was fearing like it was her death, her hands and legs were shaking

Purvi: yo....you

Someone: ya baby me only

Purvi: ho...how do...do you go....got m...my num...number

Someone: you underestimated me baby doll I can do anything and finding your number is my cup of tea

Purvi: no....now what do...you wan....want yo...you al...already took my life I am now just a living dead body

Someone: uffo poor girl you are lucky that I am obsessed with you baby otherwise all girls are around me to make them feel pleasure. And ya one wore thing you did a very big mistake by escaping from me and you have dug your own grave now just listen to me come home by 1 hour other wise you will be in danger

Purvi: are you there in m...my ho..house

Someone: yes baby now come fast otherwise you know the consequences

Purvi: o...ok

By saying this she cut the call and immediately called ishita but her phone was switched off so she called dushyant as she knew ishita will be with him

Purvi: hel...hello dush

Dushyant: Purvi what happend why are you so tensed

Purvi: he... He called me he...he is there in my...my home

Dushyant: WHATTTTT

Purvi: ye...yes pl..please give phone to ishi I want to talk with her

Dushyant: purvi ishita is sleeping mmm you tell me there is no issue

Purvi: I...I don't know what to do dush he.. He told me to come home in one hour he blackmailed me

Dushyant: you don't worry Purvi I will come with you lets see what will happen and don't forgot that you are a cid officer so be brave also you joined cid for a purpose don't forgot that

By this time kavin came and was about to say something but thought not to say because he listened that she was addressing the man as dush so he thought that she was talking with dushyant

Purvi: okk dush I will definitely achive my target but you please don't come otherwise he will harm you also

Dushyant: but Purvi

Purvi: please dushyant

Dushyant: fine but be careful

Purvi: okk

By saying this she cut the call and turned backwards only to see kavin was standing there with stern expression

Kavin: your tea

Purvi: thank...thank you sir

Kavin didn't asked about what she talked with dushyant because he wanted to find the reasons of her behaviour when mahir comes so he pretended that he didn't listened her talks and here purvi was thinking how to ask him about permission for going home

Purvi: sir

Kavin: yaa

Purvi: sir can I go home there is some emergency

Kavin: no you can't

Purvi: sir please sir


he shouted making her flinch at her place

Purvi: plea...please si...sir the..there is so..some emer...emergency

Kavin: fine you can go but tomorrow be here before 8:30

Purvi: o...ok si..sir

Purvi left to her home after saying this. She hired a cab and went towards her home. She was hell scared that what will he do with her this time. After some time she reached her house but she was 15 mins late. She thought that today will be her last day.

Who is he?
Why purvi was scared of him?
Why did Purvi joined CID?

For answers of the above question stay tuned to the story🙂

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