Lazy Days

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Seto was reading a book in bed, lying on his stomach, his legs up in the air behind him, kicking slightly as he engrossed himself in Othello, glasses perched on the end of his nose.

His large sweater, loaned to him by Adam, rode up past his hips, his torso partially bare, the sleeves pulled right up as the blue wool engulfed him.

He still wore it though; even when he constantly complained about it being too big for him, he never seemed to not wear it around the house.

The window was cracked open, the sheer curtains wafting slightly in the breeze that flowed through. Seto's hair ruffled slightly, sending warm shivers down his spine, causing him to unconsciously snuggled deeper into Adam's sweater.

The sun shone outside, shafts of light streaming in through the window, dust particles floating lazily around the room. It was peaceful.

Adam opened the door carefully, peeking in, entering the room as quietly as possible, his heart fluttering as he saw his angel on the bed, facing away and reading as usual.

Adam crept closer, crawling onto the bed gently, eyes trained on his little lover. Seto felt the bed dip down, and knew that Adam had joined him, as he often did on days like these.

No words were spoken; Adam would simply watch him read, and after Seto grew tired of reading, they would lay down and cuddle in silence, just appreciating each other without speaking, loving touches and chaste kisses the only kind of communication needed, along with small, tender smiles, nose rubs and holding each other, simply holding each other until they both fell asleep.

That was all that was needed, all that was wanted. Adam moved closer to his beauty, taking in every minute detail; the way the sun caressed his hair, making it glow in the soft light; the way Seto would use his left thumb to turn the page every time; the way his alabaster soft skin showed even though the sweater he wore could swallow him twice.

Softly, Adam placed his lips on Seto's lower back, the soft wet sound of his tiny kiss hushed by the wind. Seto paused for a second, not turning around, but feeling his love linger behind him.

Adam continued kissing Seto lightly, loving the taste of honey and vanilla against his lips.

It was a taste unique to Seto, never like anything he had had before or since, but it was addicting to him, so he planted more and more sweet kisses, trailing slightly lower to the base of Seto' spine, hovering as he heard a small gasp from his love.

He kissed that spot slightly harder, smirking against his skin as he felt Seto shiver ever so lightly. Seto put his head up, sighing slightly.

"Adam, what are you doing?" he muttered, feeling Adams lips trail higher from the base of his spine to his upper back, pushing the sweater up to the bottom of his shoulder blades, peppering swift, butterfly kisses all over his back.

Seto squirmed, blushing slightly as Adam continued to worship his body, caressing his sides, daintily almost, his large, calloused hands soothing and relaxing to him.

Adam pulled away from Seto's now pink dusted skin, lifting his head to kiss the shell of Seto's ear, nibbling playfully as his beauty squirmed, the book slipping in his hands a fraction, as the pleasant distraction jostled it onto the bed, now limp in Seto's hands.

Adam sighed happily as he lay virtually on top of his love, his hot breath grazing Seto's ear as he nuzzled Seto's neck, seeking contentment and love that Seto would gladly supply.

"I love you Seto." Adam murmured, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Seto's waist from behind, burying his face in Seto's neck with a sigh.

Seto smiled, breathing in deeply, calming, the slight smell of Adam now permeating he air, tainting it with his sweet scent.

And as oddly as that sounded, to Seto, it felt like home, like safety and love, all the reasons he would wake up and look forward to with Adam by his side.

Seto closed the book, setting it aside carefully, then turning his head to meet Adam lips, kissing him tenderly, slow and sweet, as all their lazy kisses had been today.

Adam pulled back with a dazed smile, hooded eyes gazing into Seto's, happy to be with the one he would love until the end of time.

Seto smiled back, booping his nose against Adams, chuckling as it wrinkled up.

"Love you too Adam." he whispered, rolling them both over so that he lay on Adams chest, ear pressed against his heart, listening to the rhythmic beating in his chest, the way you would listen to the sea through a conch shell, the sound lulling him slowly towards sleep, eyes drooping.

Adam kissed the top of his loves head, closing his own eyes, a lazy smile on his face.

"I'll love you until the last leaf falls in winter." he muttered, feeling his beauty stir on him. Seto let out a puff of air, curling into Adams side subconsciously, smirking quizzically at Adam, still with his eyes closed.

"What about the evergreens? They don't shed their leaves." he mused, peeking one eye open to glance at Adam, eye widening at the twinkle he saw in his loves gaze. Adam smiled, once again closing his eyes.


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